Washington, D.C. is resting easier this morning, since most of the Senate Democrats are sleeping in after their “dusk-to-dawn talkathon” about fundraising on the issue of climate change, described by the Associated Press as “a lot of hot air about a lot of hot air”.
Unlike traditional filibusters, which have to do with actual legislation that the Senate might consider, last night’s stunt was all about impressing liberal billionaire donor Tom Steyer. As the Washington Post summed it up:
Burning the midnight oil in this manner is peculiar. Usually, when a lawmaker talks all night, he’s trying to stop the majority from passing something. But these guys are trying to persuade the majority – themselves – to pass something.
Evidently Steyer is not content to show the world how he can make Senate Democrats dance to his tune in return for him hosting fundraisers for them at his home. This morning Steyer’s friends in the extreme environmental movement are threatening to withhold cash from Hillary Clinton’s undeclared run for President in 2016 if she doesn’t publicly oppose the Keystone pipeline project. Said one leading venture capitalist donor:
“She’s kind of a closed book on the environment. I, for one, would not support her until she gives us more information.”
Liberal politicians have to take such threats seriously, as Steyer has become the most prominent deep-pocket donor on the left, eclipsing even George Soros and Michael Bloomberg among Super PAC donors. And for him it’s all about global warming, all the time.
The problem for Steyer and his rich buddies – as pointed out in the Bloomberg article – is that their extreme environmental views are out of touch with American people – you know, the folks who will actually decide who is the next President. Which puts Clinton, and any other Democrat considering trading their position on such issues for Steyer’s campaign cash, in a bind – go for the money, or the votes?
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