On Labor Day, Americans celebrate the powerful economic and social contribution workers make toward the well-being of our nation — a tradition that dates back to 1887. Unfortunately, in the name of “working families,” liberal progressives and the Democrat politicians they invest in consistently promote big-government policies which have weakened the opportunity for workers to achieve success.
So, in honor of Labor Day and to remind readers of the Left’s war on jobs, here are SHIFT’s top five stories that put have put a spotlight on the destructive economic agenda of liberal progressives.
“Seattle billionaire Nick Hanauer managed to make a lot of money as an investor, thanks mainly to Jeff Bezos letting him put a little early money into a startup called Amazon. Hanauer played the market’s game and won – good for him. Unfortunately, as with another liberal billionaire that comes to mind (Tom Steyer), Hanauer does not feel the need to preserve the market system he made his money from…”
“The Service Employee International Union (SEIU) 775 continues its deceptive attempt to bypass the United States Supreme Court’s ruling that “it is unconstitutional for individual home health care providers to be forced to pay union dues or fees against their will” (Harris v. Quinn). As SHIFT recently highlighted, SEIU 775 leaders have strategically fought against the ruling by discouraging individual providers from exercising their constitutional rights…”
“Jay Inslee’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Taskforce (CERT) will hold another one of its not-so-open-to-the-public meetings today —and once again, Inslee is pushing raising energy taxes on the people of Washington State. According to a CERT memo, the meeting objectives include acquiring a deeper “understanding of how both a linked cap and trade and carbon tax could meet our objectives in WA…”
“The more we learn about Jay Inslee’s extreme environmental agenda, the more we see that our green, green governor appears to be waging war on the pocketbooks of Washington State’s working families. Inslee’s latest battle in his “green war” is his proposal for a dramatic boost in the state’s fish consumption rate to unrealistically increase water quality standards…”
“In the aftermath of the City Council’s vote to raise Seattle’s minimum wage by more than 60% – under threat of a union-sponsored initiative that would certainly be used against any city council member who dared vote against labor – it is worth again reviewing a letter published two months ago by Seattle celebrity chef Tom Douglas… It should have been required reading by those who were stampeded into voting for this misguided measure, but clearly was not…”
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