The ink on Congressman Jim McDermott’s retirement press release is almost dry, so the Democrat vultures circling in hopes of picking up his D.C. job are starting to swoop in, as Crosscut reports,
“Of the dozens of prepared statements distributed, only one seemed eager to immediately shift the conversation away from McDermott, and onto the subject of who will replace him. That would be the other McDermott in Seattle politics — King County Councilmember Joe McDermott.”
Crosscut seemed to suggest that it was almost unseemly that Joe McDermott would use (no relation) Jim McDermott’s retirement announcement as an opportunity to advance his own cause. Evidently he was supposed to wait another day or so. But no such discretion was evident in statements like this from the younger McDermott’s press release,
“Since his announcement, I have received dozens of calls from constituents and local and national leaders encouraging me to seek this office,” the statement read. “I will not take this decision lightly and will be discussing it with my husband and family over the next few days.”
Others mentioned as possible candidates in the open seat free-for-all include King County Executive Dow Constantine, State Senators David Frockt and Reuven Carlyle, Socialist Seattle city councilwoman Kshama Sawant, and former US Attorney Jenny Durkan, in addition to the already declared candidate, State Representative Brady Walkinshaw.
The fun is just starting.
As the song said…”Send in the clowns”…