Once again the state teachers union has developed a nice-sounding statewide initiative aimed at putting more money into the pockets of…the teachers union.
And once again, the nice-sounding initiative does not provide any of the necessary “additional revenues” to fund this taxpayer money-grab by the union.
It remains to be seen whether voters will hear much opposition to the initiative, as usually the union spends big to pass their big-spending ideas, and intimidate potential opponents behind the scenes to stay away.
However, voters almost always reject these money-grabs when it is clear their taxes will go up, even when Democrat politicians (and the unions that fund their campaigns) are claiming it’s “for the children”.
Perhaps the voters will see this one for what it is – another attempt by the teachers union to put adults ahead of kids when the state is spending money. Perhaps if the kids were paying union dues the bosses would care.
With the Unions, it’s never about the kids…
So, your premise is they’re working with your kids, while you’re not… But, you care about kids & they don’t ?
Heck, abandon them, it shows you care ???