One of the most significant changes in Olympia this year, part of the shift to a bi-partisan Senate Majority Coalition, has been the removal of Senator Rosemary McAuliffe as chair of the Education Committee. Her role as chief apologist for the state’s teachers union – and chief obstacle to improving public education in our state – has been thankfully marginalized.
Evidently that overdue change was missed by the Associated Press’ education reporter, who still saw it appropriate to carry a quote from Sen. McAuliffe in an otherwise interesting story on the state’s failure to meet federal standards for education reforms.
As usual, McAuliffe is in sync only with the teachers union in working against the professional accountability that others – including the federal government – think is necessary to improve public education in Washington. Yet, evidently she is not satisfied with decades of helping the Democrat majority in Olympia fail to do its job to adequately fund education – she wants to continue to hamper any reforms which would help educate children in our state.
Hopefully the Majority Coalition will continue to keep Sen. McAuliffe on the sidelines in the next session, so real progress can be made on education reform.
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