Hillary Clinton is having a tough time leading up to the Iowa caucuses. Indeed, between her inability to inspire support and trailing behind a self-proclaimed socialist, it’s not going as the Benghazi-tainted, email-scandal-laden former Secretary of State believed that it would.
And, according to the latest reports, Clinton has yet to even secure the support of one of the largest Democrat financial sycophants- California billionaire Tom Steyer.
Steyer has confirmed that he is not ready to endorse Clinton in primary race. And, adding insult to injury, the billionaire is “open to supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders.” Via the Hill,
“Steyer, who has raised money for Clinton’s campaign and has sought to put a focus on climate change in the Democratic primary, told Reuters that he didn’t think Clinton has ‘fully fleshed out everything she has to say about energy and climate.’
“‘What Bernie Sanders is talking about, which is trying to get back to a more perfect democracy, is something that we support too,’ the Democratic donor added. ‘We just think that the idea of … wishing the rules were different and then pretending they were, is something which, unfortunately, probably would be disastrous from the standpoint of energy and climate,’ Steyer told the news service.”
While Clinton’s climate agenda needs more work, Sanders’ agenda “appears to resonate more closely with Steyer’s.” The socialist’s agenda includes “an aggressive move away from fossil fuels, including a ban on hydraulic fracturing.”
Whether or not Sanders would receive Steyer’s support is anyone’s guess. He previously pledged not to accept cash from big donors. However, Steyer has said that Sanders’ position on big money “certainly wouldn’t disqualify him for us, I can tell you that.”
Given that self-righteous extreme “greenies” often excuse their unethical behavior by insisting that they are above mere rules because they are pursuing selfless goals, it wouldn’t be all too surprising if Steyer finds a way to funnel money to Sanders.
And, in the meantime, Steyer can just tighten the screws on Hillary to make sure she appeases him.
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