California liberal billionaire Tom Steyer has already contributed more than $11 million to Democrat campaigns—money he pumped into federal candidates, Super PACs and 527s—this election cycle, according to the Center for Responsible Politics. But, that is just the beginning. Altogether, Steyer pledged to spend $100 million during the 2014 midterms.
Steyer’s obvious purpose is to ensure future influence over the implementation of an extreme environmental agenda. Of course, Washington State is no stranger to Steyer’s influence in election and environmental policies.
During the 2013 election cycle, Steyer’s money managed to make a state senate race the most expensive in Washington State history, not to mention raising the cost of running for Whatcom County Council from less than $7,000 in 2009 to $148,000 in 2013. Steyer’s influence can be felt over Gov. Jay Inslee’s carbon tax policies—the development of which has been a lesson in how to suck up to Steyer.
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