Though a vote was scheduled for last Monday, Seattle City Council members decided to delay their effort to make a major weaken the city’s ethics rules.
Apparently, in light of complaints from Councilmember Tim Burgess – and the attention their sleazy idea is receiving – councilmembers decided they would take more time to consider whether or not they should be allowed to take part in legislative matters in which they have a personal financial interest.
The proposal would allow council members to “vote on legislative issues even if they have a potential conflict of interest, so long as the conflict is disclosed ahead of time.”
The proposal is — of course — a gross infringement on extremely basic ethics rules. The fact that Seattle councilmembers have to take more time to consider whether or not they should make it easier to be unethical reveals just how much they disrespect no-brainer ethics rules — rules that, if violated in the private sector, could result in jail time.
The proposal — and the reality that only one councilmember has publicly opposed it — reveals quite a lot about liberals’ mentality. As we previously pointed out, liberals from presumed Democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on down the line have a tendency to consider themselves above the law and often push do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do policies… this is just more of the same.
It’s all about money and power & drunk on control for politicians ethics and policy conflict, should be fined and jailed for their one is above the supreme laws of the land..No-one. …