Seattle City Council members seem to come up with more than their share of whacky ideas. From changing the name of Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day to sticking their nose in foreign affairs issues, there seems to be no end to the strange ideas council members consider priorities. Their latest aim appears to be an attempt to shame Seattle drivers at the gas pump. The Seattle Times,
“Seattle drivers might soon see reminders that they’re harming the environment each time they gas up their cars.
“The city — following the lead of San Francisco and Berkeley — is considering requiring stickers on gas pumps telling drivers that burning fuel contributes to climate change.”
Most rational people would not consider it a good public policy approach to be “following the lead of San Francisco and Berkeley” on anything. However, that list of the rational does not include Seattle Councilman Mike O’Brien. O’Brien says he was inspired to draft this particular proposal after “student activists with Plant for the Planet, an international children’s initiative to raise awareness about climate change, talked about it during a January visit to City Hall.”
O’Brien has suggested that, before the city starts regulating businesses, they should consider first talking to businesses to see if they would put the labels on voluntarily. That idea was met with opposition by socialist Councilmember Kshama Sawant who pointed out that “we’re talking about the oil lobby here.”
Proponents of the stickers compare them to health warnings on packs of cigarettes. The Western States Petroleum Association argued against such an ordinance in Berkley, pointing out that it would be “unconstitutional because it would force gas stations to advance certain political opinions.”
Of course, the Seattle City Council members have never quite cared how their policies impact businesses… or how they might violate the law.
Notably, Shift and our readers took it upon us, to put stickers on gas pumps in order to warn against Inslee’s far-left green agenda. We didn’t need the government to mandate its version of political correctness
OK Seattle. Nov. 3 is voting day. If there is any chance that any of the Seattle City counsel is up for election, write in your dog’ s name or any name will do. If you don’t that nutty counsel is going to bury you.
OK Seattle. Nov. 3 is voting day. If there is any chance that any of the Seattle City counsel [sic] is up for election, write in your dog’ s name or any name will do.
Voting for an ineligible candidate won’t accomplish anything. Also, the *entire* Council is up for election, because we’re making the transition from each Member being elected city-wide to a mixed system with both districts and city-wide positions.
Notably, Shift and our readers took it upon us, to put stickers on gas pumps in order to warn against Inslee’s far-left green agenda.
Littering small pieces of paper into an atmosphere with flammable fuel vapors may indeed be the most intelligent idea Shift has ever proposed.
“Littering small pieces of paper into an atmosphere with flammable fuel
vapors may indeed be the most intelligent idea Shift has ever proposed”
You’ve never actually put gas in a car, have you? After all, the gray bus is fueled up with unicorn farts at the glorious people’s government garage. This may indeed be the dumbest slam of Shift you have ever attempted and that’s one high hurdle.
You’ve never actually put gas in a car, have you?
Unlike when I was a teenaged pump jockey, fuel nozzles now have sleeves for capturing the vapors, but gasoline works because it contains volatile fractions. There’s simply no way to keep the air around a gas station completely free of fuel vapors. Littering paper into such a place is a safety hazard, and doing it just to whine inconsolably about losing yet another election doesn’t justify the hazard.
Why on earth would would 8-10 even 50 post-it notes on the island of a gas station possibly be a safety hazard? What are they going to do, spontaneously burst into flames? What about the other trash in the cans on the island? If the flashpoint of post-it’s is that much lower than other refuse, why hasn’t your glorious government put an outright ban on them? That’s one of your more idiotic positions, comrade.
While your inability to comprehend how littering paper trash into a combustible atmosphere could possibly create a hazard is just too good of a joke for me to spoil, it’s Shift’s total lack of respect for private property that really amuses me here. Can you imagine what they’d write if Fuse Washington, Nick Hanauer, Council Member Sawant, or any of Shift’s myriad other liberal bogeymen had advocated leaving “Boycott” signs at Shell stations?
“Can you imagine what they’d write if Fuse Washington, Nick Hanauer,
Council Member Sawant, or any of Shift’s myriad other liberal bogeymen
had advocated leaving “Boycott” signs at Shell stations?”
Setting aside you idiotic post-it argument for right now, what would be the main difference between the Silly Clowncil mandating the equivalent of a warning label on a pack of cigarettes about glo-bull warming be put on gas pumps, a bunch of leftists leaving “Boycott” signs on gas pumps, or an organization putting out post-it notes about a potential new gas tax for citizens to put on gas pumps? Does any difference jump out at you immediately? Maybe like only one party in this issue has the force of law on their side? Kinda the gist of the whole article, comrade. Thanks for playing.
These nuts don’t know what they are talking about. Chicken Littles.