I kept waiting over the weekend for the outpouring of Democrats going public to tell former State Rep. Brendan Williams how far out in left field he was for suggesting in a Seattle Times op-ed last week that the state should quit trying to encourage Boeing to build the 777X in Washington State. As he wrote, “It is as if we are obligated to keep doubling down on a losing investment.”
Further, he grabs on to a faulty straw man of an analogy to try to support the Machinist vote to reject the Boeing contract offer: “In buying a house, do you accept the seller’s asking price?”
Well, actually you do meet the seller’s asking price if you want the house – i.e., the guaranteed long-term jobs Boeing was offering – when you know there are several other buyers waiting outside the door, ready to offer full value.
Yet, all we hear are crickets from the Far Left and other liberal elected officials about Mr. Williams’ nutty public musings, as Brendan is one of their own. In fact, he is said to be thinking of becoming the their leader by running for State Party Chair next year.
If he is successful, at least it will provide us plenty of humor in the coming year.
Oh dear, another great political philosopher. Perhaps Mr.
Williams should take econ 101 from a university that teaches real
economics. If Boeing takes the work out
of state who suffers in the long run? Sure some of Boeing 777X workers and how
about those individuals with ancillary jobs such as the techs who manage and trouble
shoot all of the applications, administration etc. Let’s not forget the small mom & pop local suppliers that will lose business.
Good going Mr. Williams, you are definitely a prime candidate for the state
Democrat chairmanship.
Oh dear, another great political philosopher. Perhaps Mr.
Williams should take econ 101 from a university that teaches real
economics. If Boeing takes the work out
of state who suffers in the long run? Sure some of Boeing 777X workers and how
about those individuals with ancillary jobs such as the techs who manage and trouble
shoot all of the applications, administration etc. Let’s not forget the small mom & pop local suppliers that will lose business.
Good going Mr. Williams, you are definitely a prime candidate for the state
Democrat chairmanship.