You might expect that Democrats elected in the most trade-dependent state in the country – and on the cutting-edge of trade with the Pacific Rim – would be at the forefront of the current debate in their party about free trade and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The Economist defines the stakes – $600 billion in increased worldwide economic output, $200 billion in the U.S. alone, is at risk.
Instead, all we hear are crickets on an issue that has more direct impact on our state’s economic future than any other.
Patty Murray and Suzan DelBene have time for ice cream and pushing to raise the minimum wage. Jay Inslee took time out of his busy legislative schedule to say he would not sign any death penalty requests he might someday receive.
But evidently these liberal “leaders” don’t want to talk about trade, and risk the loss of contributions from the unions which fill their campaign coffers.
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