The Seattle Times let readers know today that Kshama Sawant Socialists and SEIU 995NW are confident enough in their power over the city’s liberal voters to try to blackmail Mayor Ed Murray and the Seattle City Council on the $15 minimum wage issue. The 15 Now folks are threatening to go straight to the ballot with an initiative unless they get every one of their demands – $15 minimum wage immediately and no exceptions for anyone except labor unions. So, given Sawant’s Socialists have no intent to negotiate, will Murray call their bluff and try to beat them in a vote?
From the Seattle Times:
While Mayor Ed Murray’s Income Inequality Advisory Committee and the City Council continue to meet and work toward a proposal to raise Seattle’s minimum wage, 15 Now activists, who share the aims and some of the socialist rhetoric of Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant, are keeping the pressure on for a strong measure without compromises.
They are recruiting volunteers — aiming for 1,000 — ready to go door-to-door across the city to collect the more than 21,000 signatures required to place an initiative before voters in November.
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