Days after the Seattle City Council approved an across-the-board $15 minimum wage, a City Council committee approved a measure that would raise the salary of the city’s already highest paid worker by up to $120,000. Seattle City Light Chief Executive Officer Jorge Carrasco currently makes $245,000 a year. Under the new pay scale approved by the City Council committee yesterday, he could make nearly $350,000 per year.
According to the Seattle Times, Mayor Ed Murray requested that Carrasco’s salary increase to $364,000. Murray’s communications director contradicted that number, saying he expects Carrasco to make $305,000 though the “final salary is up to the council and mayor.” In any case, Carrasco’s raise would be applied retroactively beginning January 2014. With a $100,000 raise, Carrasco’s five month back-pay would amount to $40,000—the amount Murray promised to Kathleen O’Toole (Seattle’s incoming police chief) for “moving expenses.”
Good to know the City of Seattle has funded all of its other obligations to the city, and—with all the extra revenue lying around—certainly won’t need to ask voters for any more tax increases – right?
Oh – so now we know what was really behind the increase. Here’s some for you and here’s MORE for me.
This is how the ultra liberal roll. Pretending to want to help to poor, the under privileged, etc. when it’s really all about THEIR greed and having control. Socialism at its best. And the longer they have control, the more belligerent their actions will become.
WOW. That is really nonsense. $100,000 raise are you effing kidding me?
If he were a CEO, he’s get 20x that.
Amazing isn’t it? Wouldn’t you love it if you and your friends could vote yourselves more money off the money tree? Government is addicted to OPM (Other People’s Money, but pronounced like opium).
This is the elitist bullcrap they used to do in the Soviet Union.
Funny, nnnnWhen a CEO gets more…. silence.
Difference between a public servant and a private company you socialist putz.
People can’t say that you have absolutely nothing! n After all, you have inferiority!nnnSee, dipstick if we don’t pay, then we get inferior leadership…so YOU whine…
Ignore Robin Hood…he’s either a troll who gets paid when people reply to him, or someone in dire need of attention.
I try to but his dumb comments are more entertaining than a bad Tarantino movie. I prefer to call him Buttman instead of Robin Hood, as he is really just a scrawny twink from Seattle. I guess they all three wear tights…n
You “think” of men’s butts a lot, huh ?? nnnnPriests training, right ??nnnLMAO !
LOL. It is tempting to just flame him.
As long as you let them get away with it they will keep doing it
Exactly true! Look at what is happening at the national level in this country. The current administration in the White House gets more and more brazen every day. We are seeing similar tactics being leveraged at the local level.
The city will be broke by the end of the year and expect a bailout from us. Mark my words.
Looking forward to the ordering kiosk at fast food restaurants, some grocery stores, and most retail stores. One employee monitoring 6 checkout lanes would be a balance to this lunacy. Good luck, Seattle! You’re on the road to making California laws look better.
Ain’t it the truth?! Suddenly, whacked-out California seems more rational.
Some employees have started a petition here: