As Shift has reported, the dirty little secret behind the minimum wage debate sweeping Washington State and liberal cities across the United States is not about helping low-wage workers. It’s about helping elect Democrats and creating more union dues to, in turn, give to those Democrat politicians.
The latest liberal activist to blurt out the truth was none other than Seattle billionaire Nick Hanauer, in a tweet intended to insult GOP State Senator Michael Baumgartner for deciding not to schedule another minimum wage hearing before a legislative deadline this week.
Hanauer tweeted:
Hanauer’s tweet references his attempt to blackmail lawmakers with a statewide $16 minimum wage initiative in 2016. Earlier this month, Hanauer threated to go to the ballot with “a statewide $16-an-hour minimum-wage initiative in 2016” if the state Legislature did not pass the statewide $12 minimum wage bill. The initiative, which he calls “$16 in ’16,” is something Hanauer said he is “dead serious” about doing.
Well, Hanauer’s blackmailing attempt failed. And, by his tweet, we assume Hanuaer will move forward with his “$16 in ‘16” plans. Of course, he has already taken steps to follow through with his threat. As Shift pointed out, Hanauer has assembled a team of far-left activists. His team includes an assortment of the usual suspects (union executives and writers from The Stranger).
… creating more union dues to, in turn, give to those Democrat politicians.
Prior to minimum-wage laws, workers who wanted better pay had to organize into unions to get it. Now, with our large and rising minimum wages in Washington state, our poorest workers get more pay without having to spend any of their earnings on union dues. Minimum-wage laws thus produce fewer union dues, not more.
But that’s basic economics — one topic opponents of the minimum wage can never, ever understand.
Is that what you call it? Hey. I was watching King 5 this morning and the lengthy segment on how restaurants are already buckling down, raising prices, and much discussion about the lowest skilled workers would likely be passed for experience and even a level of education. How our youth will likely not find that many jobs in the future. Thought of you buddy. When unemployment rises and rents rise and the overall cost of living escalates, you can apologize to me as well. Looking forward!
…rents rise and the overall cost of living escalates,
Where the heck have you been over the last several years?
How expensive living in Seattle has become — and what to do about it — was the topic of a panel discussion that drew hundreds to the University of Washington Tuesday evening.
During “Priced out: The struggle for an affordable Seattle,” panel members from real-estate sites Zillow and Redfin, real-estate firm Spectrum Development Solutions, and the Service Employees International Union talked about how Seattle came to be increasingly unaffordable and what can be done.
That panel had at least one hint for what we might do:
Both Nela Richardson, chief economist at Redfin, and David Rolf, president of Service Employees International Union 775, cited income — or the lack thereof — and stagnant wages as a major cause of the problem.“Around the country, house prices have grown faster than incomes,” Richardson said. “Without an income solution, we won’t have an affordable-housing solution.”
Hmmm … what might Seattle do about “stagnant wages”? Have you ideas there? How about increasing the minimum wage this week? Perhaps that’s a good start…
The Gestapo, SEIU?!! I love those Thugs!!
Paying attention
What you don’t understand, apparently, is that the minimum-wage job was NEVER meant to be a job where you raise a family. Duh. Even the high school kid knows that much.
What you don’t understand, apparently, is that the minimum-wage job was NEVER meant to be a job where you raise a family.
What you don’t understand, apparently, is that I NEVER claimed “the” minimum-wage job was meant to be a job where “you” raise a family. You haven’t cited a single example of any proponent of higher minimum wages saying that, either. Duh.
Fascinating. Does your Union agree with this twisted logic of yours? I have been a member of a union and consequently been a negotiator for three organizations as the employer rep, so have been on both sides of the table. One simple truth is that unions want your dues regardless of how much you make. The biggest offender is the WEA. Did you know that the executive board has held meetings at the Metropolitan Grill and have held retreats for the board in Ocean Shores? I am sure you are good with this, but from my perspective, that is, by definition, abuse. How are unions in your parallel universe?
When has it been anything but for the last 40 years, liberal progressive democrats own it and no amount of double talk can erase what they have done to the Nanny State they made.
Good The Uber Liberals deserve to go down with this stinking sinking ship they have built this state into! Good Riddance! I won’t look back from my rear view mirror!! After 50+ years, I have had ENOUGH!!