It was an outcome you wouldn’t have expected from the Bernie Sanders revolution. As reported by Fox News – “Even before Bernie Sanders could roll out a new organization to fund progressive candidates and causes, it was beset with high-level drama, including the en masse resignation of eight staffers.”
It turns out that several high-ranking members of Team Sanders, including his much acclaimed digital director, would rather stand on principal – and against the billionaire dark money donors that the Socialist/Democrat Presidential candidate had railed against – than continue working on a revolution funded by the likes of California billionaire hypocrite Tom Steyer (as reported by NBC) and NY financier George Soros.
Here’s why Sanders new group is already making news: “Our Revolution was set up as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4). That designation allows it to raise big donations from anonymous sources — so called dark money — something that staffers may have felt clashed with Sanders’ small donation ethos.”
The lure of big money was just too much for Sanders and his former campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, now that the presidential campaign is over. Someone has to pay the bills after all.
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