Less than a month after Washington voters overwhelmingly rejected Governor Jay Inslee and the extreme environmental agenda pushed by Democrat legislative candidates, the #2 Democrat in the state House still doesn’t quite seem to grasp how badly his party was beaten – and why.
House Majority Leader Pat Sullivan–who had a scare in the primary, drawing only 52% of the vote–took to TVW this week to claim that climate change legislation is a priority in the next session, because “I think polling clearly shows that this is an issue that the general public cares deeply about.”
Perhaps someone should show Rep. Sullivan some actual polls, because his “thinking” is actually, well, wrong.
As the Washington Policy Center’s Todd Myers pointed out last month, neither national nor Washington State polls put environmental or climate change issues anywhere near the top of the voting public’s priority list. Less than 3% of Washingtonians named the environment as a leading issue, despite millions in spending by Democrats and outside donors like Tom Steyer to try to get the public to care about it.
On second thought, maybe Majority Leader Sullivan likes to live in the same fantasy world as Jay Inslee, where global warming is the only issue worth focusing on. It certainly makes it easier than actually working on solutions for challenges like our public schools, jobs, transportation, etc.
tensor says
Maybe he lives in the same state as Jay Inslee, the state where Republicans obtained zero new seats in Congress, the state where ultra-liberal Speaker Frank Chopp (D-Seattle) still holds the gavel in the state house, the state where voters passed rational gun regulation by a large majority? Which state does the anonymous writer of this piece live in?
Biff says
That’s what happens when you wear your special rose-colored “liberal vision” glasses. Then every victory from the left is from a groundswell of popular support and a victory from the right comes from nefarious means. How’s your “Rodney Tom Occupation” going for you?
tensor says
I was merely taking the advice of the anonymous poster, and reading polls — in this case, the actual results of our real elections. Placing them in the context of a “stunning defeat” for the “Democrat[ic] Party” nationwide, we see how little the voters in this state desire the agenda constantly being pushed at this site.
Then every victory from the left is from a groundswell of popular support and a victory from the right comes from nefarious means.
That’s rich, coming from the same source who told us that voters were duped into passing I-594.
How’s your “Rodney Tom Occupation” going for you?
Rodney Tom is gone. There is an actual Republican majority in our state’s senate; I hope they do better than did the Rodney Tom Occupation, although it’s hard to see how they could do less.
Biff says
So you agree with Rep. Sullivan that “polling shows climate change legislation is an issue the general public cares deeply about” and you also agree with Governor Carbon Pollution and his LCFS scheme. Of course you do, they have the most important thing for a Capitol Hill liberal, a (D) after their name.
tensor says
No, I was just quoting the actual results of our real elections. If our recent election results really just showed how we voters were “duped,” then why should our politicians care about *any* polls?
Biff says
Typical liberal dodge. You know you agree with everything (D). So you favor a LCFS? Do you agree with Rep. Sullivan’s claims? Keep in mind, there is a (D) after their names.
tensor says
Typical liberal dodge.
When you’re reduced to putting words into your opponents’ mouths, you’ve lost whatever debate you thought you were having.
As RyanGrant noted, above, an issue need not poll well to be worthy of consideration. Furthermore, there may be a rather large difference between what a liberal or Democratic politician actually said, and what shiftwa.org claims that person said.
The only certain thing about environmental policy is that this site will oppose any policy proposed by liberals and Democrats.
Meanwhile, the real results of real elections here show remarkably little appetite for the agenda this site constantly pushes. Has that made you reconsider any of your views? (Snicker)
Biff says
Does all your careful research (looking for the (D) after their name) make you support a LCFS? Does it make you agree with Rep. Sullivan’s quote?
Meanwhile, the real results of real elections here show remarkably little appetite for the agenda this site constantly pushes
When you cherry-pick your data, you can (and do) make any turd look good
Biff says
If you’re that hacked off about the mythical agenda this site “constantly pushes”, there’s a very simple solution. GO AWAY. You won’t be missed. You can go to a non agenda driven site such as Huffington Post, MediaMatters or PMSNBC. Unless, of course, you’re a paid shill who’s been assigned to monitor ShiftWA. Hopefully you haven’t also been assigned to watch Fox News too. That must be an occupational hazard down at Bloombergs Demand Control
tensor says
If you’re that hacked off about the mythical agenda this site “constantly pushes”,
The anonymous authors of this site are very clear about their goals, to “Shift” the debate in Olympia, without regard to the actual directions given to that debate by real voters in real elections. There’s nothing “mythical” about that; it’s merely offensive and futile.
And, I’m not “hacked off” about it; I’m tremendously amused by the very existence of this site, and their constant, eager manufacturing of bellicose propaganda against their impressively-long list of hate objects. The long, slow, irreversible demise of (un)SoundPolitics from 2004 – 2014, which followed the exact same business model, has apparently taught the funders of this site absolutely nothing, and it’s to this liberal’s delight and amusement to watch another such attempt fail miserably and very much in public.
Unless, of course, you’re a paid shill who’s been assigned to monitor ShiftWA.
Interesting how persons who don’t wonder who pays for this site (or why it even exists, after the failure of unSoundPolitics) can so quickly accuse me of being paid for commenting here.
GO AWAY. You won’t be missed.
When we last few liberal commenters “went Galt” from (u)SP, we precipitated its final collapse. Be careful what you wish for…
Biff says
“their constant, eager manufacturing of bellicose propaganda against their impressively-long list of hate objects”
Perhaps you’d like to share some examples. If it’s an “impressively long list”, you’ll have no trouble citing dozens of lies, distortions and misstatements. Of course, you’ll come back with one obscure quote as your proof, like you did with the Missouri murder rate in 2008, zeroing in on one statistical blip, conveniently ignoring larger fluctuations all around it, to support Bloomberg’s registration/confiscation scheme.
“Interesting how persons who don’t wonder who pays for this site”
I don’t have to wonder who pays for this site. I know. It’s me. I’m the Bloomberg/Gates/Hanauer of ShiftWA. $10 every month or two. Apparently, I get a little more bang for my buck.
You’re still doing the liberal two-step on my question. Inslee’s your guy. He has a (D) after his name. He went from a 75 point plan campaigning to a 1 point plan after election. You must support his LCFS, right? Just like you agree with Rep. Sullivan’s claim the election results show the general public has a deep concern about Glo-Bull warming. I don’t expect an answer.
And please precipitate the final collapse of ShiftWA. Please
tensor says
Perhaps you’d like to share some examples.
Perhaps you’d like to read what I already wrote. For all of the huffing and puffing here about how the Democrats suffered “historic” and “stunning” defeat in the Congressional elections, not a single seat in Washington state changed parties. For all of the talk of Gov. Inslee’s agenda being “defeated” at the polls, Frank Chopp will still be Speaker of our House, and the Senate has more Republicans because a seven-term Democrat ran as a Republican this time. (Yep, huge “shift” going on there.) The big shift in Olympia this year was from the “No” our legislature gave I-594 to the “Yes” we citizens gave it. That’s a 100% shift on a major issue, yet no front-page poster here has even mentioned it, let alone praised it.
Of course, we all know what actual facts and real-world data mean around here:
… like you did with the Missouri murder rate in 2008, zeroing in on one statistical blip, conveniently ignoring larger fluctuations all around it,
I already did the math for you; 2.06 standard deviations is not a “blip,” and as for the larger picture, the US murder rate continued to decline, even as Missouri’s murder rate rose dramatically — immediately after that one state’s background checks stopped. There’s really no need for you to keep telling us about your own innumeracy.
I don’t have to wonder who pays for this site. I know. It’s me.
The wine merchants of Woodinville thank you for the $10 in business they get indirectly from you each month. Meanwhile, who really paid to set up this site? Who writes the posts? Who slogs through endless photos, looking for unflattering images of local liberal politicians? (Now, there’s some drab political scut-work if ever there was any…) Still, I thank you for contributing towards the amusement of myself, and of my fellow Seattle liberals.
You’re still doing the liberal two-step on my question.
I couldn’t possibly care less about your question. The only people who have trouble reading polls around here are the folks breathlessly declaring big ‘defeats’ from little to no real change in the actual results of real elections. They’re the ones you should criticize, not subsidize.
Voters were duped with I1594 $2B self inflicted tax increase. I have to board the plane, see you soon.
Eastside Sanity says
Another Liberal Progressive Tax & Spender that has eliminated Washington States middle class with lies & deception.
Biff says
Yeah, 3% really shows the public deeply cares about glo-bull warming
RyanGrant says
Also getting 3% in the national poll were terrorism and crime.
Not mentioned on the list were Benghazi, taxation, voter identification, and unions.
This clearly shows that since the public doesn’t care about terrorism, we shouldn’t do anything about it. Also, since absolutely no one cares about Benghazi, anyone who supports Trey Gowdy’s show trials is a moron.
Biff says
I’m surprised anything but racism and glo-bull warming got more than 0% in the Daily Kos poll
Bill_Fan says
The Koolaid distributors are drinking their own sh1t!
K.a. Stark says
How about voting all incumbent out of office?