Normally SHIFT would leave the political humor to the late-night professionals, but we couldn’t let Jay Inslee’s recent effort at getting laughs pass unnoticed.
At least, we think he was trying to get laughs, because you wouldn’t think an elected official would try insult the intelligence of his own donors by putting so many errors in his own request for campaign dollars. However, if this e-mail was actually meant to be taken seriously, then the Democratic Governor’s Association may have to re-think its decision to make Jay the group’s finance chair for next year.
Just consider a few quotes from Jay’s email that don’t quite pass the straight-face test:
Referring to the next legislative session, Jay says he’ll be fighting for his “key priorities: good jobs, excellent schools, and quality health care.” Yet, none of those items seemed to be priorities in the many legislative sessions he presided over this year, which were required because he was focused like a laser beam on all things green – like the billion-dollar tax increase he proposed early in the regular session and a variety of environmental policies, like the job-killing cap-and-trade plan he is now demanding.
Evidently Jay forgot that it was the Majority Caucus in the Senate which put the most money into the public education budget. It took awhile for him and the House Democrats to eventually decide that listening to the Senate – and the State Supreme Court – might be a good idea for our schools. Perhaps he’s hoping his donors forgot about that fact as well.
And drawing even more of a belly laugh, Jay actually wrote that “getting the Washington Health Plan Finder up, running, and helping Washingtonians find excellent health care coverage has been the envy of the nation.” Evidently he sent the email out at one of the rare times last week that the site was actually working.
And he certainly sent it out before his own director of the state’s health care authority admitted last Thursday – regarding people who could lose Medicaid coverage early next year – that “We have a growing problem. We have a backlog … It’s a fairly significant issue.”
With a track record of constant breakdowns and costing people their medical coverage, you have to wonder, how many governors in other states are actually laughing at Jay when he claims they “envy” the Washington exchange site?
You can enjoy the rest of the email yourself, and be thankful that with the legislative session fundraising freeze now in effect, Jay won’t be able to send you any more until March, at least.
Reality says
Maybe Inslee should get involved and address the growing number of ObamaCare related problems in Washington State? We’re becoming somewhat infamous. We screwed up Jessica Sanford with low-balled premiums that exploded; embarrassing her and destroying her chances to keep her low-cost healthcare insurance. it was our shameful Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler who was first to announce his decision to reject Obama’s reversal on his ‘keeping your plans’ lie, forcing people out of their preferred policies into government selected options. Now it’s Washington being exposed for its robbery of estates of Medicaid recipients after they die?
I mean really, is Governor Jay trying to compete with Obama as the biggest boob in healthcare? Or is he trying to distract from the Federal Government’s malfeasance with some malfeasance from Washington State?
justintime says
I hadn’t heard about the State robbing estates of Medicaid recipients.
Do you have a source for your story?
justintime says
Tea Party lies.
just a small biz says
democrat party lies, republican party lies, so how is it your sources are so stellar and why are the opposing views so off base ? Get some real world experience mr jusintime
justintime says
My source, KING 5 News, is the SAME as your source.
The difference is that I read the update before going off on a hysterical rant about “Washington being exposed for its robbery of estates of Medicaid recipients after they die?”
This is just another example of right wing hysteria, a lack of critical thinking and common sense.
Trisha Holmeide says
Justintime, getting confused about the facts regarding anything the state does isn’t another example of “right-wing” hysteria, but a fact for all of us as the bureaucrats that are charged with actually encoding and implementing the WACs and RCW’s don’t speak any form of sensible English. It’s a long standing custom for “our servants” at the state and federal level to make us think “they” know what they are doing and we’re just ignorant–just the way you have done.
justintime says
As I said, this was just another example of the right wing media creating right wing hysteria. Right wing bloggers took this local story, framed it, embellished it and reposted it.
Most of the people on this thread bought into the partial story before checking the update from King 5. Anything to use against Obama.
“A rumor can travel around the world before the truth can put its shoes on.”
Whether you like it or not,Trisha, it’s our government.
We have to make it work for us.
Trisha Holmeide says
Huh? We are supposed to be sovereign citizens–all power is derived from the consent of the people. Yet I don’t remember the Dems asking anyone else what they wanted when they rammed “O” care through, and if I’m not mistake over 70% of the people want it repealed so let’s really make government work for us and get rid of this boondoggle and the fear of single-payer healthcare which was the plan all along.
$34087003 says
Were you so willing to let the government work for us under Bush?
$34087003 says
I see no hysteria other than yours. Please, let’s try to stay somewhere near the middle of the road. The far right shoulder is no worse than the far left shoulder.
Brian L. says Portland. A Portland, Oregon TV news channel.
There are 2 that are not just Right Wing sources.
justintime says
Brian, the KGW story appears to be the original source. BTW, FYI, USANEWSFIRST IS a right wing Christian website. Right wing sites have picked up and are recycling the same KGW story, which by now is a week old.
Before we freak out over this unfortunate mistake, let’s see how they fix it.
1digger says
Unfortunate mistake? I’d love to see your reaction if it was your bank account that was overdrawn.
justintime says
I would be ticked off just like you if my bank account were overdrawn through no fault of my own.
But if you read the update you will see that this was not entirely the fault of the Washington Healthplanfinder website. The Healthplanfinder website did just what the Bruners told it to do. But the Bruners did not receive confirming emails because the website was down.
WeRintrouble says
Let’s just wait and see how they “fix” Obamacare too. Keep our heads in the sand! Unfortunate mistake, my foot!
$34087003 says
Oh give it a rest. Are you really insinuating that ir was on purpose?
Just a small biz says
No estate robbing is going on that I can find. The following is what happens and rightly so if the state has paid benefits till death. I suppose the state could overstep their bounds but can’t find any cases of that with solid proof.
Estate recovery happens after the death of a Medicaid recipient who was either permanently institutionalized or age 55 and older when he or she received Medicaid services. Some estates are exempt from estate recovery. For example, if your spouse is still alive, your estate is exempt from recovery. In these cases, states may recover from the spouse’s estate after his or her death. Your heirs can also seek a hardship waiver from estate recovery.
justintime says
Thanks for the explanation, small biz.
Trisha Holmeide says
That is my understanding too, but some people are of the mindset to cheat by turning all their assets over to trusted family members five years before they plan to ask the state for help while protecting their estate from any paybacks.
Trisha Holmeide says
Whenever the state pays for anyone’s care (such as a nursing home) they allow the spouse or close relative who has been living in the patients home to stay…until the patient dies. Then the state tries to recuperate the costs for that person’s care by putting liens against the estate. One more reason never to find youself at the Mercy of the state.
justintime says
See below.
Trisha Holmeide says
See what below? Did your reply get lost or are you making some sort of sarcasm with empty space.
justintime says
See what small biz said below.
Brian L. says
There are now stories about how the system is debiting bank accounts early and overdrawing them. There are even some out there about it pulling twice from the same account.
justintime says
1digger says
You could do your own research instead of being lazy.
WA Healthplanfinder (Obamacare) Unauthorized Debit Card Charges
Some enrollees report erroneous debits by WA Healthplanfinder
WeRintrouble says
No, I think Jay is just playing follow the leader as in Obama’s lies. Environmental programs will NOT get us any jobs, in fact, they TAKE AWAY jobs! Spending more money and taxing people more will NOT get any more jobs, rather just lessen the economic health of the state. Taxing people to the teeth will NOT in improve or horrible education system. He is delusional and as idiotic as what we have in the White House! Vote Inslee out ASAP! He is a danger to our state!
justintime says
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about, troubleman.
Environmental programs DO create jobs.
$34087003 says
Really? How many jobs do they create versus how many jobs do they kill?
Trisha Holmeide says
The government cannot pay anybody any thing without confiscating real wealth from people who are actually working and producing real products and services. That money is taken out of the market, filtered through numerous hands (all taking their share to keep their offices running) and finally paid out to government employees who then have to buy real goods and services from the people who originated the money in the first place….at much higher cost to everyone to make up for the losses the government caused the real money “makers” in the first place.
justintime says
One of the most attractive features of libertarianism is that it is basically a very simple ideology. Maybe even simpler than Marxism, since you don’t have to learn foreign words like “proletariat”.
This brief outline will give you most of the tools you need to hit the ground running as a freshly indoctrinated libertarian ideologue. Go forth and proselytize!
In the beginning, man dwelt in a state of Nature, until the serpent Government tempted man into Initial Coercion.
Government is the Great Satan. All Evil comes from Government, and all Good from the Market, according to the Ayatollah Rand.
We must worship the Horatio Alger fantasy that the meritorious few will just happen to have the lucky breaks that make them rich. Libertarians happen to be the meritorious few by ideological correctness. The rest can go hang.
Government cannot own things because only individuals can own things. Except for corporations, partnerships, joint ownership, marriage, and anything else we except but government.
Parrot these arguments, and you too will be a singular, creative, reasoning individualist.
Taxation is theft because we have a right to squat in the US and benefit from defense, infrastructure, police, courts, etc. without obligation.
Magic incantations can overturn society and bring about libertopia. Sovereign citizenry! The 16th Amendment is invalid! States rights!
Libertarians invented outrage over government waste, bureaucracy, injustice, etc. Nobody else thinks they are bad, knows they exist, or works to stop them.
Enlightenment comes only through repetition of the sacred mantra “Government does not work” .
Only government is force, no matter how many Indians were killed by settlers to acquire their property, no matter how many blacks were enslaved and sold by private companies, no matter how many heads of union members are broken by private police.
Money that government touches spontaneously combusts, destroying the economy. Money retained by individuals grows the economy, even if literally burnt.
Private education works, public education doesn’t. The publicly educated masses that have grown the modern economies of the past 150 years are an illusion.
Market failures, trusts, and oligopolies are lies spread by the evil economists serving the government as described in the “Protocols of the Elders of Statism”.
Central planning cannot work. Which is why all businesses internally are run like little markets, with no centralized leadership.
Government is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearsome master. Therefore, we should avoid it entirely, as we do all forms of combustion.
The FDA is solely responsible for any death or sickness where it might have prevented treatment by the latest unproven fad.
Children, criminals, death cultists, and you all have the same inalienable right to own any weaponry: conventional, chemical, biological, or nuclear.
All food, drugs, and medical treatments should be entirely unregulated: every industry should be able to kill 300,000 per year in the US like the tobacco industry.
If you don’t have a gun, you are not a libertarian. If you do have a gun, why don’t you have even more powerful armament?
Better to abolish all regulations, consider everything as property, and solve all controversy by civil lawsuit over damages. The US doesn’t have enough lawyers, and people who can’t afford to invest many thousands of dollars in lawsuits should shut up.
Libertarian Party:
The Libertarian Party is well on its way to dominating the political landscape, judging from its power base of 100+ elected dogcatchers and other important officials after 25 years of effort.
The “Party of Oxymoron”: “Individualists unite!”
Flip answers are more powerful than the best reasoned arguments, which is why so many libertarians are in important government positions.
It’s time the new pro-freedom libertarian platform was implemented; child labor, orphanages, sweatshops, poorhouses, company towns, monopolies, trusts, cartels, blacklists, private goons, slumlords, etc.
No compromise from the “Party of Principle”. Justice, happiness, liberty, guns, and other good stuff come only from rigidly adhering to inflexible dogmas.
Minimal government is whatever we say it is, and we don’t agree.
Political Debate Strategy:
Count only the benefits of libertarianism, count only the costs of government.
Five of a factoid beats a full argument.
All historical examples are tainted by statism, except when they favor libertarian claims.
Spiritually baptize the deceased as libertarians because they cannot protest the anachronism: Locke, Smith, Paine, Jefferson, Spooner, etc.
The most heavily armed libertarian has the biggest dick and thus the best argument.
The best multi-party democratic republics should be equated to the worst dictatorships for the purposes of denouncing statism. It’s only a matter of degree.
Inviolate private property is the only true measure of freedom. Those without property have the freedom to try to acquire it. If they can’t, let them find somebody else’s property to complain on.
Private ownership is the cure for all problems, despite the historical record of privately owned states such as Nazi Germany, Czarist and Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China.
Require perfection as the only applicable standard to judge government: libertarianism, being imaginary, cannot be fairly judged to have flaws.
Only libertarian economists’ Nobel Prizes count: the other economists and Nobel Prize Committee are mistaken.
Any exceptional case of private production proves that government ought not to be involved.
Trisha Holmeide says
Justintime: No form of government on earth is or can be “perfect” because humans are imperfect and do not “know” everything necessary to devise perfection. But the US constitution and Bill of Rights represents the best efforts of mankind to devise a government that guarantees individual liberty and freedom from oppression. I am not a Libertarian, Republican or any other “ian.” You cannot define me or others like myself or understand our beliefs unless you understand the concepts put forth and (why they were) by the founders of these two historic and god-inspired documents. Please stop with the Sarcasm and take an honest look at the federalist Papers explaining each step along the way of the constitutional convention and the words and thoughts of those inspired men–maybe then we could have an intellectual debate about the idea of governance. Doing one’s own honest investigation is very helpful in presenting a thoughtful and reasonable “opinion.”
Reality says
Maybe Inslee should get involved and address the growing number of ObamaCare related problems in Washington State? We’re becoming somewhat infamous. We screwed up Jessica Sanford with low-balled premiums that exploded; embarrassing her and destroying her chances to keep her low-cost healthcare insurance. it was our shameful Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler who was first to announce his decision to reject Obama’s reversal on his ‘keeping your plans’ lie, forcing people out of their preferred policies into government selected options. Now it’s Washington being exposed for its robbery of estates of Medicaid recipients after they die?
I mean really, is Governor Jay trying to compete with Obama as the biggest boob in healthcare? Or is he trying to distract from the Federal Government’s malfeasance with some malfeasance from Washington State?
justintime says
I hadn’t heard about the State robbing estates of Medicaid recipients.
Do you have a source for your story?
justintime says
Tea Party lies.
just a small biz says
democrat party lies, republican party lies, so how is it your sources are so stellar and why are the opposing views so off base ? Get some real world experience mr jusintime
justintime says
My source, KING 5 News, is the SAME as your source.
The difference is that I read the update before going off on a hysterical rant about “Washington being exposed for its robbery of estates of Medicaid recipients after they die?”
This is just another example of right wing hysteria, a lack of critical thinking and common sense.
Trisha Holmeide says
Justintime, getting confused about the facts regarding anything the state does isn’t another example of “right-wing” hysteria, but a fact for all of us as the bureaucrats that are charged with actually encoding and implementing the WACs and RCW’s don’t speak any form of sensible English. It’s a long standing custom for “our servants” at the state and federal level to make us think “they” know what they are doing and we’re just ignorant–just the way you have done.
justintime says
As I said, this was just another example of the right wing media creating right wing hysteria. Right wing bloggers took this local story, framed it, embellished it and reposted it.
Most of the people on this thread bought into the partial story before checking the update from King 5. Anything to use against Obama.
“A rumor can travel around the world before the truth can put its shoes on.”
Whether you like it or not,Trisha, it’s our government.
We have to make it work for us.
Trisha Holmeide says
Huh? We are supposed to be sovereign citizens–all power is derived from the consent of the people. Yet I don’t remember the Dems asking anyone else what they wanted when they rammed “O” care through, and if I’m not mistake over 70% of the people want it repealed so let’s really make government work for us and get rid of this boondoggle and the fear of single-payer healthcare which was the plan all along.
ModerationinallThings says
Were you so willing to let the government work for us under Bush?
ModerationinallThings says
I see no hysteria other than yours. Please, let’s try to stay somewhere near the middle of the road. The far right shoulder is no worse than the far left shoulder.
Brian L. says Portland. A Portland, Oregon TV news channel.
There are 2 that are not just Right Wing sources.
justintime says
Brian, the KGW story appears to be the original source. BTW, FYI, USANEWSFIRST IS a right wing Christian website. Right wing sites have picked up and are recycling the same KGW story, which by now is a week old.
Before we freak out over this unfortunate mistake, let’s see how they fix it.
1digger says
Unfortunate mistake? I’d love to see your reaction if it was your bank account that was overdrawn.
justintime says
I would be ticked off just like you if my bank account were overdrawn through no fault of my own.
But if you read the update you will see that this was not entirely the fault of the Washington Healthplanfinder website. The Healthplanfinder website did just what the Bruners told it to do. But the Bruners did not receive confirming emails because the website was down.
WeRintrouble says
Let’s just wait and see how they “fix” Obamacare too. Keep our heads in the sand! Unfortunate mistake, my foot!
ModerationinallThings says
Oh give it a rest. Are you really insinuating that ir was on purpose?
Just a small biz says
No estate robbing is going on that I can find. The following is what happens and rightly so if the state has paid benefits till death. I suppose the state could overstep their bounds but can’t find any cases of that with solid proof.
Estate recovery happens after the death of a Medicaid recipient who was either permanently institutionalized or age 55 and older when he or she received Medicaid services. Some estates are exempt from estate recovery. For example, if your spouse is still alive, your estate is exempt from recovery. In these cases, states may recover from the spouse’s estate after his or her death. Your heirs can also seek a hardship waiver from estate recovery.
justintime says
Thanks for the explanation, small biz.
Trisha Holmeide says
That is my understanding too, but some people are of the mindset to cheat by turning all their assets over to trusted family members five years before they plan to ask the state for help while protecting their estate from any paybacks.
Trisha Holmeide says
Whenever the state pays for anyone’s care (such as a nursing home) they allow the spouse or close relative who has been living in the patients home to stay…until the patient dies. Then the state tries to recuperate the costs for that person’s care by putting liens against the estate. One more reason never to find youself at the Mercy of the state.
justintime says
See below.
Trisha Holmeide says
See what below? Did your reply get lost or are you making some sort of sarcasm with empty space.
justintime says
See what small biz said below.
Brian L. says
There are now stories about how the system is debiting bank accounts early and overdrawing them. There are even some out there about it pulling twice from the same account.
justintime says
1digger says
You could do your own research instead of being lazy.
WA Healthplanfinder (Obamacare) Unauthorized Debit Card Charges
Some enrollees report erroneous debits by WA Healthplanfinder
WeRintrouble says
No, I think Jay is just playing follow the leader as in Obama’s lies. Environmental programs will NOT get us any jobs, in fact, they TAKE AWAY jobs! Spending more money and taxing people more will NOT get any more jobs, rather just lessen the economic health of the state. Taxing people to the teeth will NOT in improve or horrible education system. He is delusional and as idiotic as what we have in the White House! Vote Inslee out ASAP! He is a danger to our state!
justintime says
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about, troubleman.
Environmental programs DO create jobs.
ModerationinallThings says
Really? How many jobs do they create versus how many jobs do they kill?
Trisha Holmeide says
The government cannot pay anybody any thing without confiscating real wealth from people who are actually working and producing real products and services. That money is taken out of the market, filtered through numerous hands (all taking their share to keep their offices running) and finally paid out to government employees who then have to buy real goods and services from the people who originated the money in the first place….at much higher cost to everyone to make up for the losses the government caused the real money “makers” in the first place.
justintime says
One of the most attractive features of libertarianism is that it is basically a very simple ideology. Maybe even simpler than Marxism, since you don’t have to learn foreign words like “proletariat”.
This brief outline will give you most of the tools you need to hit the ground running as a freshly indoctrinated libertarian ideologue. Go forth and proselytize!
In the beginning, man dwelt in a state of Nature, until the serpent Government tempted man into Initial Coercion.
Government is the Great Satan. All Evil comes from Government, and all Good from the Market, according to the Ayatollah Rand.
We must worship the Horatio Alger fantasy that the meritorious few will just happen to have the lucky breaks that make them rich. Libertarians happen to be the meritorious few by ideological correctness. The rest can go hang.
Government cannot own things because only individuals can own things. Except for corporations, partnerships, joint ownership, marriage, and anything else we except but government.
Parrot these arguments, and you too will be a singular, creative, reasoning individualist.
Taxation is theft because we have a right to squat in the US and benefit from defense, infrastructure, police, courts, etc. without obligation.
Magic incantations can overturn society and bring about libertopia. Sovereign citizenry! The 16th Amendment is invalid! States rights!
Libertarians invented outrage over government waste, bureaucracy, injustice, etc. Nobody else thinks they are bad, knows they exist, or works to stop them.
Enlightenment comes only through repetition of the sacred mantra “Government does not work” .
Only government is force, no matter how many Indians were killed by settlers to acquire their property, no matter how many blacks were enslaved and sold by private companies, no matter how many heads of union members are broken by private police.
Money that government touches spontaneously combusts, destroying the economy. Money retained by individuals grows the economy, even if literally burnt.
Private education works, public education doesn’t. The publicly educated masses that have grown the modern economies of the past 150 years are an illusion.
Market failures, trusts, and oligopolies are lies spread by the evil economists serving the government as described in the “Protocols of the Elders of Statism”.
Central planning cannot work. Which is why all businesses internally are run like little markets, with no centralized leadership.
Government is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearsome master. Therefore, we should avoid it entirely, as we do all forms of combustion.
The FDA is solely responsible for any death or sickness where it might have prevented treatment by the latest unproven fad.
Children, criminals, death cultists, and you all have the same inalienable right to own any weaponry: conventional, chemical, biological, or nuclear.
All food, drugs, and medical treatments should be entirely unregulated: every industry should be able to kill 300,000 per year in the US like the tobacco industry.
If you don’t have a gun, you are not a libertarian. If you do have a gun, why don’t you have even more powerful armament?
Better to abolish all regulations, consider everything as property, and solve all controversy by civil lawsuit over damages. The US doesn’t have enough lawyers, and people who can’t afford to invest many thousands of dollars in lawsuits should shut up.
Libertarian Party:
The Libertarian Party is well on its way to dominating the political landscape, judging from its power base of 100+ elected dogcatchers and other important officials after 25 years of effort.
The “Party of Oxymoron”: “Individualists unite!”
Flip answers are more powerful than the best reasoned arguments, which is why so many libertarians are in important government positions.
It’s time the new pro-freedom libertarian platform was implemented; child labor, orphanages, sweatshops, poorhouses, company towns, monopolies, trusts, cartels, blacklists, private goons, slumlords, etc.
No compromise from the “Party of Principle”. Justice, happiness, liberty, guns, and other good stuff come only from rigidly adhering to inflexible dogmas.
Minimal government is whatever we say it is, and we don’t agree.
Political Debate Strategy:
Count only the benefits of libertarianism, count only the costs of government.
Five of a factoid beats a full argument.
All historical examples are tainted by statism, except when they favor libertarian claims.
Spiritually baptize the deceased as libertarians because they cannot protest the anachronism: Locke, Smith, Paine, Jefferson, Spooner, etc.
The most heavily armed libertarian has the biggest dick and thus the best argument.
The best multi-party democratic republics should be equated to the worst dictatorships for the purposes of denouncing statism. It’s only a matter of degree.
Inviolate private property is the only true measure of freedom. Those without property have the freedom to try to acquire it. If they can’t, let them find somebody else’s property to complain on.
Private ownership is the cure for all problems, despite the historical record of privately owned states such as Nazi Germany, Czarist and Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China.
Require perfection as the only applicable standard to judge government: libertarianism, being imaginary, cannot be fairly judged to have flaws.
Only libertarian economists’ Nobel Prizes count: the other economists and Nobel Prize Committee are mistaken.
Any exceptional case of private production proves that government ought not to be involved.
Trisha Holmeide says
Justintime: No form of government on earth is or can be “perfect” because humans are imperfect and do not “know” everything necessary to devise perfection. But the US constitution and Bill of Rights represents the best efforts of mankind to devise a government that guarantees individual liberty and freedom from oppression. I am not a Libertarian, Republican or any other “ian.” You cannot define me or others like myself or understand our beliefs unless you understand the concepts put forth and (why they were) by the founders of these two historic and god-inspired documents. Please stop with the Sarcasm and take an honest look at the federalist Papers explaining each step along the way of the constitutional convention and the words and thoughts of those inspired men–maybe then we could have an intellectual debate about the idea of governance. Doing one’s own honest investigation is very helpful in presenting a thoughtful and reasonable “opinion.”
healingdoc says
Nominate him early for the “lie of the year”.
healingdoc says
Nominate him early for the “lie of the year”.
Bob_Knows says
Insley is an obscenity to intelligence and a disaster for Washington.
justintime says
Hey Bob, tell us what you really think about the Governor and don’t sugar coat it.
Bob_Knows says
Insley is an obscenity to intelligence and a disaster for Washington.
justintime says
Hey Bob, tell us what you really think about the Governor and don’t sugar coat it.
justintime says
Debunking Obamacare sob story:
“That horror story of the Obamacare fail for the Federal Way mom isn’t the horror it was made out to be. They usually aren’t.
So here’s a family that was totally uninsured for 15 years because it had always cost at least $500 to $600 a month for skimpy policies to cover them both. And what they can get now is full coverage for $30 a month for the son and scantier coverage in the $250 to $300 a month range for the mom.
How is that a horror story? Yet it prompted a live scandalcast in front of the White House by a national news network — which didn’t know, or maybe didn’t want to say, that due to the state health exchange the son now is getting essentially free health care.
Sanford says it’s still too steep for her to pay, so she’s upset, and that’s her call. But I just filled out my annual enrollment here at work, and my insurance, for a family of four, is $1,377 a month (of which the Times thankfully pays 70 percent). Health insurance is grotesquely expensive, and has been for years. The point is: If you can get it for $300 or so a month for two people — especially with a pre-existing condition — that’s no debacle, folks. It’s a deal.”
Go suck on that for a while, right wing liars!
onerightstand says
So, who’s the liar? Right wing? Really? Name calling must be a journalistic skill which I missed when teaching it.
justintime says
If you’re seeking responsible journalism, SHIFT is not the site for you.
mrsmar says
If you are going to go off of one story then it isn’t journalism, and name calling doesn’t help. I can fully admit that health care before obamacare was expensive, but it doesn’t make obamacare any less expensive or does it make it a good choice for everyone. There are people, over two handfuls of them, I know that cannot afford obamacare, only one person I know has benefited from this program. To make a comparison that is 1 in 20+ that this program benefits. Does that make more sense that the previous way only health care? I think it makes it worse, and then to ask the people with no health insurance to pay up in fines because they can’t afford a program that was supposed to be affordable is adding insult to injury.
justintime says
I can’t find any facts in your comment, mrsmar, only hearsay, most likely recycled Tea Party propaganda.
Trisha Holmeide says
Oh, but the government would tell you to give up donating to charities and paying tithing if you can’t afford to pay for other people’s birth control, abortions, or maternity care!
1digger says
Yeah, you prefer the talking point alphabet soup stations like ABC,NBC,CBS,NPR,PBS,MSNBC,CNN, etc. that choose to ignore ‘facts’ and instead wait upon the BS from the White House to disseminate to the low information and ignorant individuals such as yourself.
justintime says
Dig up some facts for us would you digger?
BW2013 says
I am self-employed, got the dreaded cancellation letter from Regence. They automatically rolled me over into a Bronze plan with a 60% increase. Didn’t even have to ask or sign up…My wife got the same letter with a 100% increase. Higher deductibles. If our plans were “crap” according to the administration (and MSM) and needed to be replaced, why did our State insurance commission allow them to be sold in the first place?
We are planning to pay the penalty and save our money.
justintime says
Did you check into the ACA exchange?
Trisha Holmeide says
That’s what most are doing because they simply can’t afford the increases, but wait ’till the next year the fines increase and the dear IRS will take it right out of whatever tax refund you are owed or deliver the IOU paperwork right to your door. This is a Draconian nightmare!
justintime says
If you’re 65, why aren’t you on Medicare, Trisha?
Jondolar says
Really? Right wing liars? Tell that to those couples who are now experiencing the seasonal joy of discovering that this whole system is now so out of control it is deducting their payment automatically from their bank account when it decides; regardless of the family’s budgeting situation.
justintime says
Haven’t heard that story. Do you have a source?
Wayne Ogilvy says
Justintime, We get it, You voted for obama twice and inslee once so far. You love them for the free phone and snap card you get ! You hate this site and the people here that don’t agree with you but your still here blabbering about how great your saviors ACA is. You are what the upper echelon of liberals call useful idiots ! Wait till the hammer drops on you little fella and we will see how much help you get from the democrackheads !!
justintime says
I get it. You voted for the worst president in American history twice and you voted for Rob McKenna, most incompetent WAG in recent memory. The conservative Supreme Court showed just how incompetent McKenna really is when it comes to the Constitution and the Affordable Care Act. Now McKenna is pimping coal for the dirty coal industry. Give us a break, Wayne.
Wayne Ogilvy says
The coal industry produces job’s fella ! What are you pimping for ? Could it be the CLEAN nuclear power plants like the one in Japan ? Or maybe the abortion mill from planned parenthood ? You believe obama and oprah and chris mathews if you wan’t to but your ACA rates are going to go up in January and again after the mid term elections in 2014, But heck let’s pass it so we can see what’s in it/Or maybe, if you like your health care you can keep it. Or maybe we are not listening to your phone calls or reading your e-mails. How about our ambassador in Lybia was killed because of a video no one ever saw. Heard of operation Fast & Furious ? Nope ? Neither did obama until he saw it on the news ! How about eric holder picking and choosing which laws to enforce ? Yep I can see why you put your trust in these people all right. Like I said you are a {temporarily} useful idiot !!
justintime says
Sounds like you’re plugged in to the right wing bubble machine Wayne. You need to step outside of your bubble and take a deep breath of fresh air.
Wayne Ogilvy says
Just the fact’s son, Just the fact’s. I like the right wing bubble ! It beats the heck out of your left wing utopia ! I will now offend you Justintime. Merry Christmas to you and yours and I wish you well in life, And may you overcome all obstacles placed in your way by right wing nuts like me ! Free everything for everyone right ?
justintime says
And the same to you, Wayne.
Trisha Holmeide says
The one thing I find all progressives and (if i must use an antiquated term) “liberals” believe is that the government is supposed to be a replacement for God–provider of all things from cradle to grave. They have no faith in God nor in Humankind. They also believe they are more intelligent than the rest of us, yet they don’t produce very much or they wouldn’t have to constantly be going after what is ours
justintime says
Progressives believe in the separation of Church and State.
Do you believe in evolution, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, Yes if you mean that things do mutate and that everything is designed to adapt, but no, if you leave God out of the process. I do not believe life is the result of accidental processes–and even the majority of physicists can’t explain the phenomenal odds of the so-called “big bang” theory. Now, they are saying the universe is just an illusion–so what’s next?
justintime says
How old is the planet, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
By the way” justintime:, the Bill of Rights says we (the people) have freedom of religion not that the government has freedom from religion—separation of Church and state is meant to keep the government from imposing a state religion on us, not to cut off the discourse from people of faith (any faith). In fact, during the constitutional convention it would be difficult to image very many Americans who were not of one religious belief or another and yet were invited and expected to take part in every aspect of their newly won franchise as a free people.
Trisha Holmeide says
You mean he is trying to save the industry that supplies 40% of our electricity so we can continue to afford to use our heaters? Gee, what a dog he is…
justintime says
There is no salvation for the coal industry, Trisha.
Even the Chinese have smoked themselves out.
They are giving it up.
McKenna needs to sell solar and windpower.
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, when they get a suitable replacement so I can stay warm I’ll gladly be willing to switch over. Until then, I just pray the government doesn’t put a smart thermostat in my home leaving me and my pets to freeze all day until the government says I can have a few extra therms to take the chill off.
justintime says
You’re just making this up, Trisha.
Are you burning coal to stay warm?
Get a heat pump and run it off hydropower.
Do you think the government is out to get you and your cats?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, if the government (particularly this president and current EPA) are successful in regulating coal out of business thousands of jobs will be lost, and as we all know (whether you like it or not when the supply goes down the costs go up. So, yes I am afraid the government is going to cause drastic energy shortages and the possibility of having government rationing and use the smart thermostats (which are controlled by people outside your home making decisions as to how much warmth you need) to make me turn the thermostat off when I’m not home. You think that can’t happen? Yeah, and the NSA wasn’t illegally tapping everyone’s phone calls, either, I suppose.
justintime says
Windpower and solar energy are rapidly replacing coal fired electric plants around the world. As jobs are lost in the coal industry, new jobs are being created in natural gas, solar and wind. The reality is that the price of coal is DECREASING because of reduced demand.
Habib says
Read the fine print.
1digger says
You’re assuming justintime can read of course. They’re nothing more than a leftist troll who chooses to ignore the facts and reality of the world and comes to sites like this to spew nonsense.
justintime says
I haven’t seen any facts from you yet, digger.
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, and before the state ran off all the insurance companies unwilling or unable to guarantee everything for everyone my husband ran a business with five employees and chose from dozens of insurance plans one that covered our family of six and each of the employees and their families for $350 per mo. we were covered at 80% of all costs including maternity care. Every time the government sticks it nose in the free market and manipulates it the costs go up and up. Get the gov’t out of healthcare all together and allow the market to be competitive so people can afford to take their own risks and pay for them themselves. I am 65 now and should not have to pay for maternity care!
justintime says
Are you on Medicare, Trisha?
justintime says
Debunking Obamacare sob story:
“That horror story of the Obamacare fail for the Federal Way mom isn’t the horror it was made out to be. They usually aren’t.
So here’s a family that was totally uninsured for 15 years because it had always cost at least $500 to $600 a month for skimpy policies to cover them both. And what they can get now is full coverage for $30 a month for the son and scantier coverage in the $250 to $300 a month range for the mom.
How is that a horror story? Yet it prompted a live scandalcast in front of the White House by a national news network — which didn’t know, or maybe didn’t want to say, that due to the state health exchange the son now is getting essentially free health care.
Sanford says it’s still too steep for her to pay, so she’s upset, and that’s her call. But I just filled out my annual enrollment here at work, and my insurance, for a family of four, is $1,377 a month (of which the Times thankfully pays 70 percent). Health insurance is grotesquely expensive, and has been for years. The point is: If you can get it for $300 or so a month for two people — especially with a pre-existing condition — that’s no debacle, folks. It’s a deal.”
Go suck on that for a while, right wing liars!
onerightstand says
So, who’s the liar? Right wing? Really? Name calling must be a journalistic skill which I missed when teaching it.
justintime says
If you’re seeking responsible journalism, SHIFT is not the site for you.
mrsmar says
If you are going to go off of one story then it isn’t journalism, and name calling doesn’t help. I can fully admit that health care before obamacare was expensive, but it doesn’t make obamacare any less expensive or does it make it a good choice for everyone. There are people, over two handfuls of them, I know that cannot afford obamacare, only one person I know has benefited from this program. To make a comparison that is 1 in 20+ that this program benefits. Does that make more sense that the previous way only health care? I think it makes it worse, and then to ask the people with no health insurance to pay up in fines because they can’t afford a program that was supposed to be affordable is adding insult to injury.
justintime says
I can’t find any facts in your comment, mrsmar, only hearsay, most likely recycled Tea Party propaganda.
Trisha Holmeide says
Oh, but the government would tell you to give up donating to charities and paying tithing if you can’t afford to pay for other people’s birth control, abortions, or maternity care!
1digger says
Yeah, you prefer the talking point alphabet soup stations like ABC,NBC,CBS,NPR,PBS,MSNBC,CNN, etc. that choose to ignore ‘facts’ and instead wait upon the BS from the White House to disseminate to the low information and ignorant individuals such as yourself.
justintime says
Dig up some facts for us would you digger?
justintime says
If you’re seeking responsible journalism, SHIFT is not the site for you.
onerightstand says
So, who’s the liar? Right wing? Really? Name calling must be a journalistic skill which I missed when teaching it.
BW2013 says
I am self-employed, got the dreaded cancellation letter from Regence. They automatically rolled me over into a Bronze plan with a 60% increase. Didn’t even have to ask or sign up…My wife got the same letter with a 100% increase. Higher deductibles. If our plans were “crap” according to the administration (and MSM) and needed to be replaced, why did our State insurance commission allow them to be sold in the first place?
We are planning to pay the penalty and save our money.
justintime says
Did you check into the ACA exchange?
Trisha Holmeide says
That’s what most are doing because they simply can’t afford the increases, but wait ’till the next year the fines increase and the dear IRS will take it right out of whatever tax refund you are owed or deliver the IOU paperwork right to your door. This is a Draconian nightmare!
justintime says
If you’re 65, why aren’t you on Medicare, Trisha?
Jondolar says
Really? Right wing liars? Tell that to those couples who are now experiencing the seasonal joy of discovering that this whole system is now so out of control it is deducting their payment automatically from their bank account when it decides; regardless of the family’s budgeting situation.
justintime says
Haven’t heard that story. Do you have a source?
Wayne Ogilvy says
Justintime, We get it, You voted for obama twice and inslee once so far. You love them for the free phone and snap card you get ! You hate this site and the people here that don’t agree with you but your still here blabbering about how great your saviors ACA is. You are what the upper echelon of liberals call useful idiots ! Wait till the hammer drops on you little fella and we will see how much help you get from the democrackheads !!
justintime says
I get it. You voted for the worst president in American history twice and you voted for Rob McKenna, most incompetent WAG in recent memory. The conservative Supreme Court showed just how incompetent McKenna really is when it comes to the Constitution and the Affordable Care Act. Now McKenna is pimping coal for the dirty coal industry. Give us a break, Wayne.
Wayne Ogilvy says
The coal industry produces job’s fella ! What are you pimping for ? Could it be the CLEAN nuclear power plants like the one in Japan ? Or maybe the abortion mill from planned parenthood ? You believe obama and oprah and chris mathews if you wan’t to but your ACA rates are going to go up in January and again after the mid term elections in 2014, But heck let’s pass it so we can see what’s in it/Or maybe, if you like your health care you can keep it. Or maybe we are not listening to your pnone calls or reading your e-mails. How about our ambassador in Lybia was killed because of a video no one ever saw. Heard of operation Fast & Furious ? Nope ? Neither did obama until he saw it on the news ! How about eric holder picking and choosing which laws to enforce ? Yep I can see why you put your trust in these people all right. Like I said you are a {temporarily} useful idiot !!
justintime says
Sounds like you’re plugged in to the right wing bubble machine Wayne. You need to step outside of your bubble and take a deep breath of fresh air.
Wayne Ogilvy says
Just the fact’s son, Just the fact’s. I like the right wing bubble ! It beats the heck out of your left wing utopia ! I will now offend you Justintime. Merry Christmas to you and yours and I wish you well in life, And may you overcome all obstacles placed in your way by right wing nuts like me ! Free everything for everyone right ?
justintime says
And the same to you, Wayne.
Trisha Holmeide says
The one thing I find all progressives and (if i must use an antiquated term) “liberals” believe is that the government is supposed to be a replacement for God–provider of all things from cradle to grave. They have no faith in God nor in Humankind. They also believe they are more intelligent than the rest of us, yet they don’t produce very much or they wouldn’t have to constantly be going after what is ours
justintime says
Progressives believe in the separation of Church and State.
Do you believe in evolution, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, Yes if you mean that things do mutate and that everything is designed to adapt, but no, if you leave God out of the process. I do not believe life is the result of accidental processes–and even the majority of physicists can’t explain the phenomenal odds of the so-called “big bang” theory. Now, they are saying the universe is just an illusion–so what’s next?
justintime says
How old is the planet, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
By the way” justintime:, the Bill of Rights says we (the people) have freedom of religion not that the government has freedom from religion—separation of Church and state is meant to keep the government from imposing a state religion on us, not to cut off the discourse from people of faith (any faith). In fact, during the constitutional convention it would be difficult to image very many Americans who were not of one religious belief or another and yet were invited and expected to take part in every aspect of their newly won franchise as a free people.
Trisha Holmeide says
You mean he is trying to save the industry that supplies 40% of our electricity so we can continue to afford to use our heaters? Gee, what a dog he is…
justintime says
There is no salvation for the coal industry, Trisha.
Even the Chinese have smoked themselves out.
They are giving it up.
McKenna needs to sell solar and windpower.
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, when they get a suitable replacement so I can stay warm I’ll gladly be willing to switch over. Until then, I just pray the government doesn’t put a smart thermostat in my home leaving me and my pets to freeze all day until the government says I can have a few extra therms to take the chill off.
justintime says
You’re just making this up, Trisha.
Are you burning coal to stay warm?
Get a heat pump and run it off hydropower.
Do you think the government is out to get you and your cats?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, if the government (particularly this president and current EPA) are successful in regulating coal out of business thousands of jobs will be lost, and as we all know (whether you like it or not when the supply goes down the costs go up. So, yes I am afraid the government is going to cause drastic energy shortages and the possibility of having government rationing and use the smart thermostats (which are controlled by people outside your home making decisions as to how much warmth you need) to make me turn the thermostat off when I’m not home. You think that can’t happen? Yeah, and the NSA wasn’t illegally tapping everyone’s phone calls, either, I suppose.
justintime says
Windpower and solar energy are rapidly replacing coal fired electric plants around the world. As jobs are lost in the coal industry, new jobs are being created in natural gas, solar and wind. The reality is that the price of coal is DECREASING because of reduced demand.
Habib says
Read the fine print.
1digger says
You’re assuming justintime can read of course. They’re nothing more than a leftist troll who chooses to ignore the facts and reality of the world and comes to sites like this to spew nonsense.
justintime says
I haven’t seen any facts from you yet, digger.
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, and before the state ran off all the insurance companies unwilling or unable to guarantee everything for everyone my husband ran a business with five employees and chose from dozens of insurance plans one that covered our family of six and each of the employees and their families for $350 per mo. we were covered at 80% of all costs including maternity care. Every time the government sticks it nose in the free market and manipulates it the costs go up and up. Get the gov’t out of healthcare all together and allow the market to be competitive so people can afford to take their own risks and pay for them themselves. I am 65 now and should not have to pay for maternity care!
justintime says
Are you on Medicare, Trisha?
khope says
It is so sad to me that the “majority” of voters elected him. His lies go beyond the simple comb overs he tries to get us to believe. His hand is so deep in our pockets even the lint is gone. Wake up Washington voters and do better!
Brian L. says
Maybe he was referring to the majority of Seattle and dead voters.
khope says
It is so sad to me that the “majority” of voters elected him. His lies go beyond the simple comb overs he tries to get us to believe. His hand is so deep in our pockets even the lint is gone. Wake up Washington voters and do better!
Brian L. says
Maybe he was referring to the majority of Seattle and dead voters.
khope says
It is so sad to me that the “majority” of voters elected him. His lies go beyond the simple comb overs he tries to get us to believe. His hand is so deep in our pockets even the lint is gone. Wake up Washington voters and do better!
Just a small biz says
You should be happy “The Times” pays 70% of your healthcare. One of the things that is killing companies in this country too BTW. I am self employed and I have had the priviledge of buying my own healthcare for years and it has steadily gone up since 2008 from $800.00 and change to $1400.00 per month for two. The political party of take from one and give to the other has made a big dent in my income during the beginning of the wealth re-distribution. You say “the Shift is no place to get news” but i suggest the alternative is a bunch of uber left wing urinalists who spew obama’s bs in adoration while he tears down our economic principles, favors union thugs and other big campaign donors, and turns this country into a third world competitor. Try living the American opportunity and go out on your own as a journalist and sell your articles to the highest bidder and see how it feels when the cost of doing business keeps going up. Then you can tell somebody to go suck on something with some real world experience in hand.
justintime says
Did you read the article, “Debunking Obamacare Sob Story”? It was written by Seattle Times Staff Columnist Danny Westneat. The Times pays 70% of HIS health care premiums. Me? I’m a self employed architect, out on my own just like you. If it wasn’t for Medicare, I’d be dead. Maybe you should look into the Washington State ACA exchange, get yourself a better deal and quit your whining.
1digger says
Westneat? He’s nothing more than a liberal, leftwing hack. He conveniently leaves out one side of a story when it doesn’t suit his one size fits all leftist agenda. Nope, no objectivism on his part, can’t have that. That’s not reporting, it’s dictating.
justintime says
What side of this story did Westneat leave out digger?
just a small biz says
not whining just fact. I choose not to jump on the dole and add to the problem but instead pay my share of my medical costs and the costs of the rest of my life. not interested in a nanny state or federal government to take care of me.
justintime says
Well that seems like a noble position, small biz, but
I hope you don’t have to deal with a catastrophic health crisis on your own. That could be the end of your small biz. I certainly wouldn’t want to see you and your family living out of a vehicle parked under the bridge just because of your noble position.
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, noble and sensible as he maintains control over the coverage and whether he will or will not get the necessary care he needs. Those stuck on Medicare and/or the so-called exchanges will be at the mercy of a board of bureaucrats whose main goal will be to distribute healthcare according to the worth of ever individual–so lets just hope you continue to be worthwhile enough that they will continue to invest shrinking resources to keep you running. Good Luck.
justintime says
The Republican Health Care System:
Don’t get sick!
If you do get sick, die quickly.
. . . and Good Luck.
Trisha Holmeide says
Don’t be silly. Everyone needs a good healthcare system, that’s why we have to get the government out of it completely!
lostnwa says
Trisha for Governor!!
Trisha Holmeide says
Awe, thanks but no thanks. But we really do need to get someone in office who has read the state and federal constitutions and understands and agrees with the philosophy behind this “grand experiment.”
$34087003 says
The Democrat health care system: If you get sick, wait several months to find out what’s wrong. Hopefully, you’ll die before we have to actually pay for your diagnosis or treatment.
Trisha Holmeide says
The number of people who stand proud as contributors rather than takers is shrinking at an alarming rate. I like the ad on the radio from the born again coin dealer asking “who ya gonna tax and regulate to death when the rest of us just ‘take off’?” Of course, he was referring to what some believe will be Heaven, but in fact, many of our countrymen are giving up their citizenship and fleeing to more hospitable lands to conduct their business.
justintime says
What do you do for a living, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, I was going to try retirement, but just got hired on as a risk management specialist–why does it matter to you?
justintime says
So you’re part of the insurance industry?
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, but it will be offered by businesses that want to offer a variety of quality product to their employees to choose from as part of their benefits package. Unlike Obamacare, businesses will request and be willing to pay for whatever services or products their employees choose, and no one will be forced to sign up for anything they don’t want or need.
justintime says
This tells me a lot about your conflicted ideology, Trisha.
Trisha Holmeide says
Conflicted? How is a belief in and advocating for 100% individual liberty to choose for ones self and being willing to reap the rewards or accept the consequences of one’s choices “conflicted.”
Trisha Holmeide says
And, from the “Independent Institute” ”
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is the weekly email newsletter of the Independent Institute.
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Volume 15, Issue 51: December 17, 2013
From Obamacare to Marx
Halbrook on Nazi Gun Control
Federal Regulators Threaten to End America’s Energy Boom
Avoiding War with China
New Blog Posts
Selected News Alerts
1) From Obamacare to Marx
President Barack Obama claims his opponents have offered no
alternative to the Affordable Care Act. Not so, according to Independent
Institute Senior Fellow John C. Goodman,
whose plan, he writes, “empowers patients, allows real competition, and
minimizes the role of government in the medical marketplace.” It’s
based on six core principles: choice, fairness, universality,
portability, patient power, and real insurance. Unfortunately,
congressional Republicans have backed away from one of its most
appealing components: giving households tax credits to buy health
Such a measure would raise the money income of an average family by $12,000, according to Independent Institute Senior Fellow John R. Graham.
So, why would the administration’s adversaries back away from a
proposal that offers significant savings to middle class families?
Cowardice. “The Republicans’ political risk-aversion is a consequence of
Obamacare causing millions of people to lose their health benefits,”
Graham writes in The Beacon. “This has pushed [Republican
lawmakers] back into a corner, prompting them to defend the tax
discrimination that favors employer-based benefits and to oppose
individual tax credits.” This is especially disheartening because the
idea of ending the tax bias in favor of employer-based health insurance
had significant support when Sen. John McCain promoted it during his
2008 bid for the White House.
Getting back to President Obama’s “signature legislative achievement,” Independent Institute Communications Counsel K. Lloyd Billingsley, writing in American Thinker,
argues that “Obamacare follows a principle beloved of Karl Marx and
other socialist founding fathers: From each according to his ability, to
each according to his need.” But although the president is making good
on the “from each” clause, he fails in regard to the “to each” clause:
Millions who thought their insurance policies met their needs have been
dropped by their insurers, and millions more will follow. Thus,
Obamacare “violates the principal precept of medical ethics: primum non nocere or ‘first do no harm,’ also known as non-maleficience.”
justintime says
Trisha, you claim you are not a libertarian yet you parrot all the standard libertarian arguments, buzzwords and talking points. Now you are quoting the “Independent Institute”, which is a well known libertarian website.
Perhaps you are not aware that your comments are based on libertarian ideology. And maybe you did not realize that the “Independent Institute” is a libertarian “think tank”. Do you know what libertarianism really is?
Many who call themselves libertarians don’t understand libertarianism and many people who use libertarian arguments, such as yourself, do not realize where these arguments come from. Many self professed Christians who argue the standard libertarian positions do not realize that libertarian ideology is completely at odds with the teachings of Christ.
Did libertarian ideology infect your mind without your awareness or consent? If this is the case, then you have surrendered your freedom to a Godless philosophy and lost your capacity for critical thinking.
Trisha Holmeide says
Like you’d care about “Christian” anything. You seem to believe everything comes in neat little boxes when don’t. I am not any “ian,” as I said. I seek truth wherever it is, and do not throw the baby out with the bath water. Thus, if I must be labeled, I consider myself a constitutional “Independent.” I vote and advocate for both people and policies which come as close to my understanding of what is right and wrong, constitutional and uplifting for people as possible. As I also said, “there is no perfect government on earth.” We each have our god-given agency to come to whatever conclusions we choose. The progressives, liberals and other anti-individual freedom folks (collectivists as Obama is) seemingly have chosen to throw out the concept of individual liberty which is a cornerstone of Christian teachings and beliefs, and would give all power to the state or other governing bodies rather than leaving us to tend to our own business unless we break the law and hurt someone. Have you ever seen the list of bureaucracies in charge of running every facet of our lives? Americans have had their rights and dignity devoured in exchange for government interventions and handouts. Obviously, the ploy seems to work as collectivists have effectively eliminated much of the backlash because everyone is dependent on the government for one thing or the other and now is beholding to “that” greater power for everything from food, to housing and keeping grandma alive in the nursing home. It is evil and cannot and will not prevail without the entire system falling down–which is exactly what those who would destroy this once great nation want.
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, I had to sign up with Medicare (both A&B). I am not independently wealthy, and in order to get the secondary product I wanted I had to participate in both. That’s a consequence of governmental interference in our choice making for our own healthcare needs and I’m not happy about it.
justintime says
Maybe you’ll learn to like Obamacare.
I hope it works out for you.
Trisha Holmeide says
Don’t you understand “O” care was intended to fail giving the totalitarians an excuse to take over the entire industry and set up a “Single Payer” system as in England where they designate rooms where they take babies to die (giving them no food or assistance nor their own mothers arms for comfort) when they are born with serious problems rather than spend the money to try and save them.
Trisha Holmeide says
Must not have been very successful in your trade if you had to rely on Medicare to stay alive. But, sometimes that happens–or should I say did happen as now-a-days it’s quite a miracle for anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit to becomes successful in any self-employment.due to the ever increasing amount of burdensome taxes and the cost of regulations.
justintime says
Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit, Trisha?
Have you been frustrated by burdensome taxes and the cost of regulations?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, yeah sorta. But, more than my own personal experience I know a lot of people who have tried to start businesses only to be run out by the overwhelming burdens of high taxes and draconian regulations. Even bill gates says he could never be able to start Microsoft in today’s climate. It always did take guts to start your own business, but nowadays you gotta add a little insanity to even try!
Trisha Holmeide says
With 50% of the population now dependent in some way or another on the other 50% we no longer stand a chance to vote in sensible laws regarding trying to slow the rate of redistributing the wealth. The people who are taking or getting benefits and wages at your expense are not going to vote to see those salaries and benefits reduced. It is called “killing the golden goose.” You are one of the geese that actually builds wealth rather than sucking the economy dry. It hasn’t happened by accident as the progressives want to bring our economy down to be “comfortably merged” with all the other loser economies so we won’t have anything left to fight for–we won’t have any individual rights and all of us will be in poverty–that’s what they call “Social Justice.”
justintime says
Are you a giver or a taker, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
A giver–whatdyathink?
justintime says
What do you give to the world, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
My taxes goes toward paying all your re-distribution schemes, plus my income goes toward paying my own way so I am not a burden on my family or society. My blood, sweat and tears went toward helping people with chronic mental illness be able to stay well enough to remain in the community as contributing members of society, my heart is given daily to the 18 beautiful grand kids I can call my own who will likely follow in my foot steps and be contributing members of society. Last but not least, besides praying for my friends and family, I pray for my country and it’s leaders to be healthy, to continue to offer the best and brightest of examples for the entire world to emulate. I pray for us as individuals and as a collective not to lose sight of the
American dream and some how turn things around so my progeny and yours will enjoy the god-given liberty designed by the founders of our nation and inscribed in the US constitution and our Bill of Rights.
justintime says
Thank you for your work with the mentally ill.
Congratulations for your family.
We have similar goals, Trisha.
Trisha Holmeide says
That’s scary when we disagreee so drastically on how to make that happen
Just a small biz says
You should be happy “The Times” pays 70% of your healthcare. One of the things that is killing companies in this country too BTW. I am self employed and I have had the priviledge of buying my own healthcare for years and it has steadily gone up since 2008 from $800.00 and change to $1400.00 per month for two. The political party of take from one and give to the other has made a big dent in my income during the beginning of the wealth re-distribution. You say “the Shift is no place to get news” but i suggest the alternative is a bunch of uber left wing urinalists who spew obama’s bs in adoration while he tears down our economic principles, favors union thugs and other big campaign donors, and turns this country into a third world competitor. Try living the American opportunity and go out on your own as a journalist and sell your articles to the highest bidder and see how it feels when the cost of doing business keeps going up. Then you can tell somebody to go suck on something with some real world experience in hand.
justintime says
Did you read the article, “Debunking Obamacare Sob Story”? It was written by Seattle Times Staff Columnist Danny Westneat. The Times pays 70% of HIS health care premiums. Me? I’m a self employed architect, out on my own just like you. If it wasn’t for Medicare, I’d be dead. Maybe you should look into the Washington State ACA exchange, get yourself a better deal and quit your whining.
1digger says
Westneat? He’s nothing more than a liberal, leftwing hack. He conveniently leaves out one side of a story when it doesn’t suit his one size fits all leftist agenda. Nope, no objectivism on his part, can’t have that. That’s not reporting, it’s dictating.
justintime says
What side of this story did Westneat leave out digger?
just a small biz says
not whining just fact. I choose not to jump on the dole and add to the problem but instead pay my share of my medical costs and the costs of the rest of my life. not interested in a nanny state or federal government to take care of me.
justintime says
Well that seems like a noble position, small biz, but
I hope you don’t have to deal with a catastrophic health crisis on your own. That could be the end of your small biz. I certainly wouldn’t want to see you and your family living out of a vehicle parked under the bridge just because of your noble position.
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, noble and sensible as he maintains control over the coverage and whether he will or will not get the necessary care he needs. Those stuck on Medicare and/or the so-called exchanges will be at the mercy of a board of bureaucrats whose main goal will be to distribute healthcare according to the worth of ever individual–so lets just hope you continue to be worthwhile enough that they will continue to invest shrinking resources to keep you running. Good Luck.
justintime says
The Republican Health Care System:
Don’t get sick!
If you do get sick, die quickly.
. . . and Good Luck.
Trisha Holmeide says
Don’t be silly. Everyone needs a good healthcare system, that’s why we have to get the government out of it completely!
lostnwa says
Trisha for Governor!!
Trisha Holmeide says
Awe, thanks but no thanks. But we really do need to get someone in office who has read the state and federal constitutions and understands and agrees with the philosophy behind this “grand experiment.”
ModerationinallThings says
The Democrat health care system: If you get sick, wait several months to find out what’s wrong. Hopefully, you’ll die before we have to actually pay for your diagnosis or treatment.
Trisha Holmeide says
The number of people who stand proud as contributors rather than takers is shrinking at an alarming rate. I like the ad on the radio from the born again coin dealer asking “who ya gonna tax and regulate to death when the rest of us just ‘take off’?” Of course, he was referring to what some believe will be Heaven, but in fact, many of our countrymen are giving up their citizenship and fleeing to more hospitable lands to conduct their business.
justintime says
What do you do for a living, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, I was going to try retirement, but just got hired on as a risk management specialist–why does it matter to you?
justintime says
So you’re part of the insurance industry?
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, but it will be offered by businesses that want to offer a variety of quality product to their employees to choose from as part of their benefits package. Unlike Obamacare, businesses will request and be willing to pay for whatever services or products their employees choose, and no one will be forced to sign up for anything they don’t want or need.
justintime says
This tells me a lot about your conflicted ideology, Trisha.
Trisha Holmeide says
Conflicted? How is a belief in and advocating for 100% individual liberty to choose for ones self and being willing to reap the rewards or accept the consequences of one’s choices “conflicted.”
Trisha Holmeide says
And, from the “Independent Institute” ”
The Lighthouse
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Volume 15, Issue 51: December 17, 2013
From Obamacare to Marx
Halbrook on Nazi Gun Control
Federal Regulators Threaten to End America’s Energy Boom
Avoiding War with China
New Blog Posts
Selected News Alerts
1) From Obamacare to Marx
President Barack Obama claims his opponents have offered no
alternative to the Affordable Care Act. Not so, according to Independent
Institute Senior Fellow John C. Goodman,
whose plan, he writes, “empowers patients, allows real competition, and
minimizes the role of government in the medical marketplace.” It’s
based on six core principles: choice, fairness, universality,
portability, patient power, and real insurance. Unfortunately,
congressional Republicans have backed away from one of its most
appealing components: giving households tax credits to buy health
Such a measure would raise the money income of an average family by $12,000, according to Independent Institute Senior Fellow John R. Graham.
So, why would the administration’s adversaries back away from a
proposal that offers significant savings to middle class families?
Cowardice. “The Republicans’ political risk-aversion is a consequence of
Obamacare causing millions of people to lose their health benefits,”
Graham writes in The Beacon. “This has pushed [Republican
lawmakers] back into a corner, prompting them to defend the tax
discrimination that favors employer-based benefits and to oppose
individual tax credits.” This is especially disheartening because the
idea of ending the tax bias in favor of employer-based health insurance
had significant support when Sen. John McCain promoted it during his
2008 bid for the White House.
Getting back to President Obama’s “signature legislative achievement,” Independent Institute Communications Counsel K. Lloyd Billingsley, writing in American Thinker,
argues that “Obamacare follows a principle beloved of Karl Marx and
other socialist founding fathers: From each according to his ability, to
each according to his need.” But although the president is making good
on the “from each” clause, he fails in regard to the “to each” clause:
Millions who thought their insurance policies met their needs have been
dropped by their insurers, and millions more will follow. Thus,
Obamacare “violates the principal precept of medical ethics: primum non nocere or ‘first do no harm,’ also known as non-maleficience.”
justintime says
Trisha, you claim you are not a libertarian yet you parrot all the standard libertarian arguments, buzzwords and talking points. Now you are quoting the “Independent Institute”, which is a well known libertarian website.
Perhaps you are not aware that your comments are based on libertarian ideology. And maybe you did not realize that the “Independent Institute” is a libertarian “think tank”. Do you know what libertarianism really is?
Many who call themselves libertarians don’t understand libertarianism and many people who use libertarian arguments, such as yourself, do not realize where these arguments come from. Many self professed Christians who argue the standard libertarian positions do not realize that libertarian ideology is completely at odds with the teachings of Christ.
Did libertarian ideology infect your mind without your awareness or consent? If this is the case, then you have surrendered your freedom to a Godless philosophy and lost your capacity for critical thinking.
Trisha Holmeide says
Like you’d care about “Christian” anything. You seem to believe everything comes in neat little boxes when don’t. I am not any “ian,” as I said. I seek truth wherever it is, and do not throw the baby out with the bath water. Thus, if I must be labeled, I consider myself a constitutional “Independent.” I vote and advocate for both people and policies which come as close to my understanding of what is right and wrong, constitutional and uplifting for people as possible. As I also said, “there is no perfect government on earth.” We each have our god-given agency to come to whatever conclusions we choose. The progressives, liberals and other anti-individual freedom folks (collectivists as Obama is) seemingly have chosen to throw out the concept of individual liberty which is a cornerstone of Christian teachings and beliefs, and would give all power to the state or other governing bodies rather than leaving us to tend to our own business unless we break the law and hurt someone. Have you ever seen the list of bureaucracies in charge of running every facet of our lives? Americans have had their rights and dignity devoured in exchange for government interventions and handouts. Obviously, the ploy seems to work as collectivists have effectively eliminated much of the backlash because everyone is dependent on the government for one thing or the other and now is beholding to “that” greater power for everything from food, to housing and keeping grandma alive in the nursing home. It is evil and cannot and will not prevail without the entire system falling down–which is exactly what those who would destroy this once great nation want.
Trisha Holmeide says
Yes, I had to sign up with Medicare (both A&B). I am not independently wealthy, and in order to get the secondary product I wanted I had to participate in both. That’s a consequence of governmental interference in our choice making for our own healthcare needs and I’m not happy about it.
justintime says
Maybe you’ll learn to like Obamacare.
I hope it works out for you.
Trisha Holmeide says
Don’t you understand “O” care was intended to fail giving the totalitarians an excuse to take over the entire industry and set up a “Single Payer” system as in England where they designate rooms where they take babies to die (giving them no food or assistance nor their own mothers arms for comfort) when they are born with serious problems rather than spend the money to try and save them.
Trisha Holmeide says
Must not have been very successful in your trade if you had to rely on Medicare to stay alive. But, sometimes that happens–or should I say did happen as now-a-days it’s quite a miracle for anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit to becomes successful in any self-employment.due to the ever increasing amount of burdensome taxes and the cost of regulations.
justintime says
Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit, Trisha?
Have you been frustrated by burdensome taxes and the cost of regulations?
Trisha Holmeide says
Well, yeah sorta. But, more than my own personal experience I know a lot of people who have tried to start businesses only to be run out by the overwhelming burdens of high taxes and draconian regulations. Even bill gates says he could never be able to start Microsoft in today’s climate. It always did take guts to start your own business, but nowadays you gotta add a little insanity to even try!
Trisha Holmeide says
With 50% of the population now dependent in some way or another on the other 50% we no longer stand a chance to vote in sensible laws regarding trying to slow the rate of redistributing the wealth. The people who are taking or getting benefits and wages at your expense are not going to vote to see those salaries and benefits reduced. It is called “killing the golden goose.” You are one of the geese that actually builds wealth rather than sucking the economy dry. It hasn’t happened by accident as the progressives want to bring our economy down to be “comfortably merged” with all the other loser economies so we won’t have anything left to fight for–we won’t have any individual rights and all of us will be in poverty–that’s what they call “Social Justice.”
justintime says
Are you a giver or a taker, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
A giver–whatdyathink?
justintime says
What do you give to the world, Trisha?
Trisha Holmeide says
My taxes goes toward paying all your re-distribution schemes, plus my income goes toward paying my own way so I am not a burden on my family or society. My blood, sweat and tears went toward helping people with chronic mental illness be able to stay well enough to remain in the community as contributing members of society, my heart is given daily to the 18 beautiful grand kids I can call my own who will likely follow in my foot steps and be contributing members of society. Last but not least, besides praying for my friends and family, I pray for my country and it’s leaders to be healthy, to continue to offer the best and brightest of examples for the entire world to emulate. I pray for us as individuals and as a collective not to lose sight of the
American dream and some how turn things around so my progeny and yours will enjoy the god-given liberty designed by the founders of our nation and inscribed in the US constitution and our Bill of Rights.
justintime says
Thank you for your work with the mentally ill.
Congratulations for your family.
We have similar goals, Trisha.
Trisha Holmeide says
That’s scary when we disagreee so drastically on how to make that happen
Jondolar says
What should we expect when most politicians have been telling us what we want to hear just to get elected? Remember… politicians are not to be trusted based on their track record of failing to deliver on their promises. But sadly, most people are not paying attention to the important issues that will actually make a difference in their, and their children’s, lives.
justintime says
I tend to agree with you that most people are not paying attention to the important issues. But the sad thing is that many people are willing to swallow right wing propaganda as if it were the gospel truth.
1digger says
One can lead a liberal to the facts, but you cannot make them think.
justintime says
Well, some conservatives I know absolutely refuse to recognize a fact when it’s staring them in the face, let alone think about it. Hope that’s not you, digger.
$34087003 says
Care to name an example?
I didn’t think so. Most liberals have nothing to back up their rhetoric.
$34087003 says
The left wing propaganda is far more easy to debunk but the poor deluded fools that listen to it normally don’t care about facts, truth or logic so the effort is wasted on them. Look at yourself as a great example.
Jondolar says
What should we expect when most politicians have been telling us what we want to hear just to get elected? Remember… politicians are not to be trusted based on their track record of failing to deliver on their promises. But sadly, most people are not paying attention to the important issues that will actually make a difference in their, and their children’s, lives.
justintime says
I tend to agree with you that most people are not paying attention to the important issues. But the sad thing is that many people are willing to swallow right wing propaganda as if it were the gospel truth.
1digger says
One can lead a liberal to the facts, but you cannot make them think.
justintime says
Well, some conservatives I know absolutely refuse to recognize a fact when it’s staring them in the face, let alone think about it. Hope that’s not you, digger.
ModerationinallThings says
Care to name an example?
I didn’t think so. Most liberals have nothing to back up their rhetoric.
ModerationinallThings says
The left wing propaganda is far more easy to debunk but the poor deluded fools that listen to it normally don’t care about facts, truth or logic so the effort is wasted on them. Look at yourself as a great example.
Kathleen Garrity says
Maybe Obama could appoint him to something, bring him back to DC where he has at least a bit more understanding of how things work, and we’d get a do-over?
Kathleen Garrity says
Maybe Obama could appoint him to something, bring him back to DC where he has at least a bit more understanding of how things work, and we’d get a do-over?
swed says
Dumbest politician / political hack Union money could buy, surprised he is stupid and venal. I am not. People need to vote this idiot out of office, a recall would be a good start. He is a combination of Blinding incompetence coupled with good old union corruption. Keep voting the demonrats and RINOS out of office, they are killing Washington State.
swed says
Dumbest politician / political hack Union money could buy, surprised he is stupid and venal. I am not. People need to vote this idiot out of office, a recall would be a good start. He is a combination of Blinding incompetence coupled with good old union corruption. Keep voting the demonrats and RINOS out of office, they are killing Washington State.
1digger says
Perhaps Inslee could answer why enrollees are having their debit cards charged double. I won’t hold my breath that he’ll care since again it’s not his money that’s being taken. That ought to bring about a laugh on his part.
WA Healthplanfinder (Obamacare) Unauthorized Debit Card Charges
Some enrollees report erroneous debits by WA Healthplanfinder
justintime says
WA Healthplanfinder finds no problems with payment system
by Elisa Hahn KING 5 News
“Washington Healthplanfinder officials say they’ve finished their investigation after some enrollees said the website mistakenly debited their accounts.
Shannon and Josh Bruner claimed the Washington Healthplanfinder website debited their premium two weeks too early.
The Healthplanfinder staff investigated their case and could find no problems with the payment system, and that their records show the Bruners scheduled the earlier date as their payment date.
A spokesperson says enrollees received several email notifications to confirm the payment date for their premiums, but admits that because the site has been down for much of last week, that it would have been difficult for any enrollee to login to read those messages.
The finance department is willing to work with the couple to provide a refund if necessary.”
1digger says
Perhaps Inslee could answer why enrollees are having their debit cards charged double. I won’t hold my breath that he’ll care since again it’s not his money that’s being taken. That ought to bring about a laugh on his part.
WA Healthplanfinder (Obamacare) Unauthorized Debit Card Charges
Some enrollees report erroneous debits by WA Healthplanfinder
justintime says
WA Healthplanfinder finds no problems with payment system
by Elisa Hahn KING 5 News
“Washington Healthplanfinder officials say they’ve finished their investigation after some enrollees said the website mistakenly debited their accounts.
Shannon and Josh Bruner claimed the Washington Healthplanfinder website debited their premium two weeks too early.
The Healthplanfinder staff investigated their case and could find no problems with the payment system, and that their records show the Bruners scheduled the earlier date as their payment date.
A spokesperson says enrollees received several email notifications to confirm the payment date for their premiums, but admits that because the site has been down for much of last week, that it would have been difficult for any enrollee to login to read those messages.
The finance department is willing to work with the couple to provide a refund if necessary.”
Richard Dupp says
Watching Pee Wee Herman play Ben Hur would be less painful then watching Inslee play governor.
Richard Dupp says
Watching Pee Wee Herman play Ben Hur would be less painful then watching Inslee play governor.
anon_the_mouse says
It is a sad fact, but, he is doing the best he can.
anon_the_mouse says
It is a sad fact, but, he is doing the best he can.