Politicians say the darndest things during campaign season, but Democrat Governor Jay Inslee tends to lose touch with reality more than most when he’s trying to con voters in election years.
Just take a look at his campaign website, and his blatant pandering to the extreme left of his Democrat base. One of Inslee’s few declared priorities is his plan for criminal justice and how he wants to make Washington a safer place to live. He calls the state’s public safety system, built and reinforced by his Democrat gubernatorial predecessors over the last 35 years, full of systemic racism, unsafe law enforcement practices, and just not equitable.
And his criticism is not just limited to law enforcement. According to Inslee, education, healthcare, housing, and other areas are all flawed and are in dire need of reform.
It’s amazing that Inslee would even want to belong to a party that has overseen such racist developments over the last generation.
Inslee’s campaign-year conversion to racial justice warrior is likely a surprise to the previous Democrat Governors of Washington, especially Governor Gary Locke – the nation’s first Asian-American governor – who was originally elected as Governor on a tough-on-crime campaign platform. Inslee takes a different approach than Locke, a former prosecutor who understood public safety is improved when criminals are locked up, wants to let them all out of jail.
The key to Inslee’s election day pandering on racial issues is for voters to ignore the fact he’s had eight years as governor to fix the so-called systemic issues – and 15 years before that in Congress – and he has done practically nothing other than running for higher office.
Inslee’s campaign site claims he plans on fixing criminal justice issues by forming a task force to study the problem. What bold action – a task force! That will make the racists, who Inslee says are so prevalent among us, change their ways.
In other words, Inslee has no intention of doing anything about what he says is a systemic problem, other than using the issue as a reason to re-elect him and as a platform for jump starting his desperate desire for a job in a potential Biden administration.
In a direct contradiction to Inslee’s actions this summer of failing to support law enforcement and supporting the violent groups that advocate for defunding the police, the website claims – “Jay knows safety and justice go in hand in hand. He has led the charge to make Washington a safer and more fair place for everyone.” His version of fairness doesn’t apply if you are a law-abiding citizen or police officer, as Inslee’s recent inaction over the riots, rapes and murders in the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone demonstrated.
The only “charge” Inslee has “led” in our state is in abusing individual rights and destroying jobs with his random and non-science based small business restrictions.
Let’s examine some of Inslee’s claims. Jay’s website states he has ‘fought to stop the scourge of gun violence’, unless of course you are in the CHAZ/CHOP zone he claimed ignorance about, in which case you can do whatever you want with a gun. He claims he was instrumental in banning dangerous mass-killing tools like bump stocks, which have had exactly zero deaths attributed to them in Washington. Jay also made sure guns are kept out of the hands of high-risk individuals, including law-abiding Washington residents who have passed a vigorous background check already.
Note to Jay: Bad guys who want to get guns don’t do background checks and don’t care about permits.
The reality is that Inslee has an atrocious record on public safety, which the mainstream media has been papering over for years. There isn’t a single word on his campaign website about protecting law enforcement or stopping violence. Nothing about the mess he claims he knew nothing about in the CHAZ/CHOP zone. Nothing about the prisoners he let out of jail early and nothing about Inslee’s support for restoring felons’ voting rights before they have re-paid their debt to society.
This is a disservice to those who have peacefully protested and had their voices overwhelmed by the radical left-wing extremists who were allowed, by Inslee, to do whatever they wanted in the name of political correctness.
Inslee is soft on crime and unlike his predecessors in the governor’s mansion, doesn’t want to do anything about it.
Except , of course, call his fellow Democrats racist for leaving him with such a systemically broken system.
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