Jay Inslee has not learned from the past. Once again, he launched a campaign attempting to gain public support for his extreme agenda. And, once again, his attempt backfired.
This time around Inslee’s campaign centered on his historic tax hike plans, which he tries to soften by attaching the word “fair.” Particularly, Inslee’s campaign endeavors to rally support around a state capital gains income tax. The campaign reiterates Inslee’s rather weak arguments that Washington State’s tax structure is the most unfair in the country (a claim that is highly misleading) and that the capital gains tax is fair (read why it is not here).
Well, if the responses Inslee’s campaign received on Facebook are any indication, hardworking Washingtonians are not buying it. Check out the amusing and starkly honest responses to Inslee’s attempts.
I really don’t understand why this lib idiot isn’t being recalled….he has lied, broken all of his campaign promises and is just as mixed up in the carbon tax fraud as the ex- Governor of Oregon.
Inslee will get caught sooner or later. You can’t go through life the way he does and not have an ethics investigation knocking on your front door.
Inslee & Former Oregon Governor Kitzhaber birds of the same feather Inslee needs to be replaced ASAP!!!