A new poll does not bode well for Jay Inslee’s re-election chances. According to the latest Elway poll, just 30% of Washington State voters are inclined to re-elect our green governor. Inslee also received a “C” grade on his performance.
Inslee’s poll numbers appear to be dropping. This time last year 43% said Inslee was doing an “excellent” job, and 50% said he was doing an “only fair” job.
The results should come as no surprise considering Inslee’s poor leadership performance.
Jim Thomas says
Why don’t we just recall him and end the BS once and for all?
Biff says
Unfortunately we can’t recall Gov. One-and-done for idiocy alone. King County liberals made us endure the turd in the punchbowl for another 18 months
tensor says
King County liberals made us …
Evil King County Liberals, always voting like they’re citizens of a democratic republic or some such liberal nonsense. Why can’t they just pay their tax dollars toward billion-dollar boondoggle subsidies for drivers in other parts of the state, and not use their rights as citizens?
Biff says
Silly Comrade Context. You know they’re too busy painting freak flag crosswalks and sharrows
tensor says
Uh, the legislative sponsor of the pet pork freeway project (aka glorious socialistic motoring subsidies continue ever onwards, comrade!) explicitly stated he was going to spend other people’s money on it, and he even named King County in the context of his claim. Do try to keep up.
Biff says
That’s your ideology for you. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” The citizens of Spokane need a freeway and the equal misery creating communists of King County have the ability to pay for it. Suck it up, Buttercup. That’s the way things work in the Glorious Peoples Union of Washington. When it goes the way you don’t like, then you have a problem with it?
tensor says
The citizens of Spokane need a freeway…
No, their senator has been screaming like a toddler for his nanny-state to buy him a new toy freeway. That does not imply, let alone prove, that anyone “needs” it. That you’ve fallen for his empty rhetoric is no one else’s shame.
… equal misery creating communists of King County…
Welcome back to Seattle for business! We hope you continue to make your capitalist profits here! (I’m sorry, were you saying something, again?)
When it goes the way you don’t like, then you have a problem with it?
Your enthusiastic approval of Washington state’s big-government, tax-and-spend, pork-dealing, socialist providers of glorious motoring subsidies has been duly noted. Please enjoy your next business trip to Seattle!
Biff says
The citizens of Spokane need a freeway more than the citizens of Capitol Hill need freak flag crosswalks and sharrows. We’re all in it together, Comrade. We have united. It’s the Glorious Peoples Union of Washington. It’s what you want. After 3 sessions of debate, the freeway passed our elected legislature. I’m sure the freak flag crosswalks and sharrows passed the same sort of deliberative test. Sort of like Sen. Baumgartner stating “I’m so proud to be a motorist, I decree a freeway be built to celebrate my motoristness so everybody can celebrate with me, if they want to or not”
tensor says
The citizens of Spokane need a freeway…
They’ve done just fine without it so far.
…more than the citizens of Capitol Hill need freak flag crosswalks and sharrows.
There’s a legal requirement (“need”) to mark the crosswalks and traffic lanes. That a non-citizen, non-taxpayer does not approve of the specific markings means nothing to anyone whose opinion matters. The only connection between these two transportation issues is that taxpayers in Seattle will foot the bill for both of them.
We’re all in it together, Comrade. We have united. It’s the Glorious Peoples Union of Washington.
I guess it was only a matter of time before you started red-baiting yourself.
Biff says
So there’s a legal requirement for freak flag crosswalks now? Huh. You’ve done just fine without them so far. The standard grid lines worked great for decades.
tensor says
So there’s a legal requirement for freak flag crosswalks now?
No, there’s a legal requirement to mark the crosswalks. White stripes and colors — colors all the way across the width of the street!!!! — both satisfy this legal requirement. Hence, one can find cross-walks marked in both of these ways on Capitol Hill in Seattle. Your continuing obsession with the very few colored crosswalks is amusing, but has no real relevance to Seattle’s needs.
By contrast, there is no requirement, legal or otherwise, to build a new freeway in Spokane. A pork-dealing politician is using taxpayer money from King County to buy re-election from his constituents in Spokane. Given his election results when he could not procure that tasty, tasty pork for most of the voters, I’d say he feels justified in spending every dime of other people’s money that he can possibly grub.
Biff says
Cite the statute that states anything other than white grid lines are required to mark crosswalks.
The real bummer for you is the freeway in Spokane is part of the transportation package that was approved by our elected legislature despite all your fellow travelers efforts to shut down government and collect more per diem.
tensor says
Cite the statute that states anything other than white grid lines are required to mark crosswalks.
Don’t know much about meeting engineering requirements for public safety, do we? If the work meets or exceeds the minimum safety standard, it is acceptable. Bright, rainbow colors — colors stretching all the way across the street!!!1! — are more visible than plain white stripes. (But please, do keep complaining about how Seattle shouldn’t spend more money on the public safety of its tax-paying citizens.)
The real bummer for you is the freeway in Spokane is part of the transportation package that was approved by our elected legislature …
Yes, finally getting our Senate to approve a transportation package — something our House actually did in each of the past three years — means that we can finally begin to address our state’s many transportation needs. Sure, we may have to peddle pork to buy the votes of the very same Senators who persistently refused to do their jobs for the past several years, but to a pork-munching, government-subsidized lover of tax-and-spend billion-dollar boondoggles such as yourself, that’s a feature, not a bug.
Maybe I’m wrong about that. If I am, please do let us know exactly what penalties should apply to those Senators who failed for years to pass a transportation bill.