Shoppers have already survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday this holiday season, and this week Governor Jay Inslee will talk about the ways he is coming after the rest of your money.
Last Friday, our “green” governor gave some of his closest friends – the state-income-tax-loving “intellectuals” at the Washington Budget and Policy Center a preview of his let’s-make-government-bigger press conferences that will accompany his presentation of a draft budget for next year
For taxpayers, it sure looks like a “hold on to your wallet” week.
As Crosscut wrote late Friday, Inslee and fellow speakers at the event were talking about “billion-dollar tax increases,” instituting a state income tax and possible sales tax increases.
As the Seattle Times noted this morning, savings from government efficiencies – remember when candidate Inslee talked about “lean government” – have never materialized. And, as State Senator Andy Hill points out, Inslee doesn’t seem much interested in getting his people to be efficient by focusing on what is most important in their job: “That only works if you have an executive willing to say, ‘No, I need you to really tell me what your high priorities are to do.’ We don’t see any of that.”
But, what we might see this week are plenty of proposals for higher taxes, breaking the promises from a candidate for governor who said he would “veto tax increases.”
Liberal progressive pickpocket!
The courts ordered increased funding for schools.
The voters ordered reduced class sizes.
The 2008 legislature ordered reductions of carbon pollution.
After several decades of a democrat stranglehold on WA government and the chronic overspending that comes with it, the WSSC ruled we have to fund the schools.
Inslee refused to take a position on I-1351, cowardly waiting until election night to say he voted against it. As it is, there is no way to fund padding union membership…er.. reducing class size anyway.
There is no such thing as “carbon pollution”. CO2 is plant food. Plants in turn poop out oxygen for US to breathe. Aint it great how nature works without any liberal interventions (read: Taxes)