Jay Inslee appears, deep down, to be rather frightened of the 2014 election results. Though he continues to insist that the outcome of the recent election maintained the status quo, a recent fundraising letter suggests he really believes otherwise.
In his letter, Inslee desperately attempts to convince his supporters of the status quo narrative. Yet, he tells supporters that “there’s already talk” concerning who will run against him in 2016 and warns that he must “start preparing” now. Of course, for Inslee, preparing doesn’t mean listening to voters’ message (a rejection of his political agenda). It means fundraising.
Inslee’s desperate plea for money comes right before the fundraising freeze placed on lawmakers during the 2015 legislative session. According to his email, Inslee wants to prove that he is still strong via the size of his war chest by the first end-of-month reporting deadline of the next election cycle this Sunday. Inslee’s fundraising email reads,
Your contribution — right now — will go farther than almost any contribution down the line because it will show the opposition that if they decide to take us on, they’ll be in for a much bigger fight than they imagined.
If only our green governor thought more about benefitting Washingtonians as he does himself, he wouldn’t have to show his strength with campaign funds. His record would stand on its own, a testament to his commitment to benefitting Washington. But, of course, it doesn’t.
As if to convince supporters that his unpopular agenda is alive and well, Inslee reverts back to his flawed analysis of the 2014 election results, calling it a status quo election. He refuses to acknowledge that the election which saw Republicans gain an outright majority in the state Senate for the first time in 10 years and weaken Democrats’ majority in the state House by flipping four seats as a referendum on his plans for a fuel mandate. Maintaining that another explanation for the election results but his own is political spin, Inslee continues to obstinately ignore reality: he placed his extreme political agenda on the ballot in 2014 and voters said “NO.”
Rather than take responsibility and listen to voters, Inslee blames Republicans for “making wild accusations about me to drive a wedge between voters.” The “wild accusations” Inslee is undoubtedly referring to are his plans to force a fuel mandate via executive order and the resulting $1 plus gas tax. Of course, these are not accusations at all, but facts confirmed by Inslee and his own consultants.
Inslee ends his fundraising appeal with, “I need your help to show that I still have your support and to make Republicans think twice about running against me when they see this month’s fundraising report.” This sentence proves that Inslee learned absolutely nothing from the 2014 election.
You see, if the 2014 midterm elections proved anything, it is that an irresponsible politician can out raise his/her opponent but it won’t make a difference—the American people are not stupid. They see through a candidate who refuses to listen to them. Clearly, Inslee has not learned that lesson from the millions his billionaire buddy Tom Steyer poured into handing the state Senate back to Democrats.
Inslee will hold a fundraising dinner with former Vice President and green hypocrite Al Gore as the headliner this week, press is not allowed to attend. But, no matter how much Inslee can raise he will face opposition because, simply put, he is an ineffective governor who refuses to listen to the will of the people.
WSRP will glady pick a RINO to run against him, cause that’ll help. I’m sure the next republican candidate will be all for illegal immigration, free healthcare for all, and working on fixing I-594 instead of throwing it out. Or wait maybe Susan can run against him, some of us still have standards and won’t lower ourselves to vote for a fake conservative. So Inslee wins again! Thanks RINO’s!
we need a republician in office, look what obummer has done. 5 million illegals, when 27 million americans are out of work,
How about a recall campaign against Gov. Inslee right now?
By all means! Get out there, pounding the pavement for signatures, to show your commitment. The weather report says we’ll be above freezing any day now.
Inslee needs shock treatment. Paint this state RED!
And, ruin my chances? You got to be joking.
11 out of 12 Washington state major newspaper outlets did NOT endorse Inslee. They tried to warn us, but the idiots in Seattle voted for this jackass
American newspaper publishers have forever been conservative and Republican; in 1996, the Seattle Times endorsed Rep. Linda Smith for re-election, despite her district being far from Seattle, and her being the most right-wing member of the House of Representatives at that time. She won re-election by a tiny margin — the last election she would ever win — and KVI’s John Carlson gave the Times credit for their help in her effort. (Patty Murray’s subsequent defeat of Rep. Smith ended the latter’s political career.)
Tensor, how are you? You must be a true follower of the left wing shepherds club. Why is it that people like you think that the liberal mantra is gospel?? Do you always believe what the liberals say? I don’t trust any political parties they all have one thing in common they are puppets of the wealthy and will have hidden agenda to cater to the wealthy and themselves.
If you keep rambling on about how everyone who is not liberals are wrong, than there is a problem with you. You are a paid actor that munches the liberals’ carpet.
If you have any dispute with the facts as I’ve written them here, please do tell us what they are.
I don’t trust any political parties they all have one thing in common they are puppets of the wealthy and will have hidden agenda to cater to the wealthy and themselves.
Fiorello LaGuardia, Republican Congressman from New York, used to tell his constituents the same thing. He likened politicians to “waiters” who all bring you the same menu, no matter which party the “waiter” claims to be from. That’s one reason I’ve never joined a political party.
You are a paid actor that munches the liberals’ carpet.
That’s pretty funny to write here. Who pays for this fancy site, one which generates little to no traffic or revenues?
You said that you didn’t join any political party, however you think and write like a liberal. You cannot hide who you are, no matter how you cook that fish it still smells and tastes like fish.
You said that you didn’t join any political party…
That’s true. I once voted Republican, before the Republican Party put panty-sniffing and other perversions ahead of a strong national defense, reasonable taxes, and respect for an individual’s right to be left alone in his private life.
… however you think and write like a liberal.
What gave me away? Was it my complete sentences? Correct spelling? Proper punctuation? Perhaps my good grammar? My command of actual facts?
You cannot hide who you are…
And your stealing the name of one of the greatest Americans who ever lived doesn’t make you anything like him, either.
… no matter how you cook that fish it still smells and tastes like fish.
Indeed, Pacific Northwest salmon tastes delicious in any number of different dishes. Thank you for the compliment.
You said who pays for this fancy website, well it doesn’t have to be a revenue making or some popular site.
No, but the cost of hosting the site must be paid, and someone must have spent time hacking together even this dog’s breakfast of content. Who pays the bills, who slaps this dreck together? Why won’t they identify themselves and their funding sources? What have they to hide?
Your comment is full of sarcasm. This I will answer for you about why they are not revealing their name or paying source. Do Liberals reveal their sources when they spend millions of dollars on campaigning lies? If you don’t like this website quit reading its contents.
Next, why don’t we meet in Olympia next weekend. I am going there for business , and I will make time to see you in person and talk. What do you think?
Last, you must not be so intelligent about the fish comment that I made. You didn’t get what I meant.
Do Liberals reveal their sources when they spend millions of dollars on campaigning lies?
Tell us again all about the moral superiority of conservatives, how they behave better than do we liberals.
There are no facts in your comments.
I stand behind everything I wrote in my comments. If you have evidence that anything I wrote is wrong or incomplete, please show it. Just saying I’m wrong doesn’t make it so, just as your stealing the name of one of the greatest American scientists and statesmen doesn’t make either one out of you.
Liberal traits of name calling,
Yell again about how I’m a “sheep”. That will really make your point.
I see all those traits in you.
The brilliance of your perspicacity is exceeded only by your demonstrated abilities with spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Last, you must not be so intelligent about the fish comment that I made. You didn’t get what I meant.
I was merely showing how your attempted personal insult was so incompetently made, it could easily be interpreted as a compliment.
If you don’t like this website quit reading its contents.
What? This is the best local lunacy since unSoundPolitics was reduced to Jim Miller talking at himself. I appreciate free entertainment, especially when it is provided by people who actually believe a high-gloss web site will magically undo what decade after decade of elections results have obtained.
How can you say there is no fact in my comment and you haven’t shown any fact in your comments but inflated ego superiority the one of a man full of hot hair.
Why don’t we meet in Olympia next weekend? I told you I will be there for business. Why are you avoiding to meet in person? Seriously we should meet and we can debate in person. I will land in SEA TAC Monday and ive the following week. Stop avoiding meeting in person. You have nothing to lose since what you say is the truth, right?
This isn’t my fight, but I’d like to chime in to share that this is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read on Shift, and given the generally low quality of the content that’s really saying something.
Nobody cares what liberals think.
Here is a chime back to you. You need to stop getting in the middle of others conversations.
How can you say there is no fact in my comment and you haven’t shown any fact in your comments but inflated ego superiority the one of a man full of hot hair.
Well put — at least according to your ‘standards’ of grammar and punctuation. Also, good to see your continued display of your belief that saying something — even saying it quite poorly — magically makes it so. That’s really cute. Please continue your aliterate ramblings about how liberals are drug-addled and stupid.
Why don’t we meet in Olympia next weekend?
This weekend, iCal says I’ll be cleaning the lint from my navel, and since I don’t spend every day gazing at mine, cleaning it might take me awhile.
You have nothing to lose…
Except the time and cost of traveling to Olympia. What will it get me? Are you planning to yell “Sheep!” at me in person?
Okay, what about Seattle? Would you like to meet there? Better yet, let me know where would like to meet? l would love to see you in person and talk to you. When we see each other in person ensure that your mind is not in a state of delusion for at least 48 hours, in other words, abstain from using mind altering drugs, e.g. marijuana.
If the cost of travel will burden you financially I will reimburse you as much as $50. I believe that should cover your travel and a cup of coffee.
Again, what value would I derive from such a meeting? Are you going to call me a “sheep” many times in person? Demand a blood sample to test for all of the drugs you repeatedly and groundlessly insist I use? Rant further about how people here cannot drive? Tell me in person that Sen. Patty Murray “doesn’t know what a turnip is”?
When we see each other in person ensure that your mind is not in a state of delusion for at least 48 hours, in other words, abstain from using mind altering drugs, e.g. marijuana.
Gee, without so much as a shred of evidence, you repeatedly call someone a drug user, and then that person refuses to meet with you. Go figure.
Seriously we should meet and we can debate in person.
That you’ve mistaken your malicious, aliterate, ad hominum ramblings for “debate” makes for your best joke yet. Please continue to keep us entertained.
Well, I understand that you wish not to meet, too bad. Your assumptions are wrong about me. You keep repeating the same things as if we know each other. You are correct , I did assume that you are on drugs, perhaps my conclusions about you were wrong as well. My intent to meet with you is to get to know you better as a person.
“That you’ve mistaken your malicious, aliterate, ad hominum ramblings for “debate” makes for best joke yet”
I deserved that. Now if you still don’t want to meet it will be okay. Let me know, and I will stop bothering you by staying away from this website.
Let’s meet up as soon as I land in SEA -TAC I will let you know.
This is simply FALSE. The majority of newspaper and other news outlets are liberal, as are the majority of journalists. That includes the Seattle Times. Are they all as far left as Obama, Inslee & Murray, no, but that does not make them conservative.
The majority of newspaper and other news outlets are liberal,
So, you’ll have no trouble giving examples, correct?
… as are the majority of journalists.
And, so you’ll give an example of a liberal jour–
Are they all as far left as Obama, Inslee & Murray, no, but that does not make them conservative.
That includes the Seattle Times.
I gave an example of the Times shilling for Linda Smith, almost twenty years ago, and they’re still opposed to tax increases. Give us an example of the Times being liberal.
(Hey, Ben, I think I found an example of what you’ve been talking about: a guy who believes what he’s been told, without having any actual facts to support his beliefs. Maybe you two could meet in Olympia, and you could call him a sheep?)
This is simply FALSE.
pudge, is that you?
Tensor, we should meet where ever your little heart desires. Come on, I know you are not a coward, let’s do it meet me this weekend.
The majority of people voting for these “jackasses ” are the jackasses. What do you expect?
Inslee seems to fit the definition of an insane person to a “T” maybe a prerequisite for being Govenor should be a mental health checkup followed by a hearing test…somebody on the Westside needs to wake-up the clueless Dem voters in order for our great state to move forward or it’s going to be “will the last person to leave Seattle please turn out the lights” all over again!
Jay Inslee appears, deep down, to be rather frightened of the 2014 election results. Though he continues to insist that the outcome of the recent election maintained the status quo, a recent fundraising letter suggests he really believes otherwise.
In the thirty-plus years since Richard Viguerie invented the personal-computer-driven direct-mail appeal, panicky language and alarmist rhetoric of impending crisis have been the norm in such letters, yet you guys seem never to have read such a letter before. Well, it’s not like bone-deep ignorance of the very topic on which you’re claiming expertise is anything new for you.
In his letter, Inslee desperately attempts to convince his supporters of the status quo narrative.
It’s almost as if he describes an election in which zero of Washington State’s ten Congressional seats changed parties, an election which ensured Speaker Frank Chopp, representing Seattle’s most die-hard liberal neighborhoods, will continue to wield the gavel over our state’s House; where Republican numbers in our state’s Senate increased because long-time Democrat Mark Miloscia decided to run as a Republican this time.
If only our green governor thought more about benefitting Washingtonians as he does himself, he wouldn’t have to show his strength with campaign funds. His record would stand on its own, a testament to his commitment to benefitting Washington. But, of course, it doesn’t.
Do tell us all about your great admiration for Seattle’s Rep. Jim McDermott.
Inslee is threatening oppositions sounds like a communist dictator terrorist.
It’s sad that his sheep are too dumb down to realize that