In a recent email to supporters, Jay Inslee claims to be proud of how Democrats preformed in Washington State’s midterm elections. Never mind that Republicans gained an outright majority in the state Senate, or that Republicans were able to flip four seats in the state House. According to Inslee, this shows just how well Democrats can “hold their ground.”
Our green governor is also extremely pleased with how well Democrats were able to fend off false attacks by opponents. However, if you’ll remember— and certainly Inslee chooses not to—the majority of false attacks this election cycle were spewed from the left. But, as we’ve seen with Inslee, he will believe what he wants to believe concerning just about anything.
Interestingly enough, Inslee promises continue to do what every inactive, irrelevant politician does and “fight to maintain the status quo.” We assume that means Inslee will continue fighting to support his biggest campaign donors at the expense of fully funding K-12 education.
Thanks to efforts made by SHIFT to uncover the truth behind Inslee’s gas-tax scheme, our green governor suffered some setbacks to his political agenda. Moving toward the future, Inslee has vowed to go on the “offensive.” And, just to be clear, Inslee’s version of going on the offensive is to make claims like this.
You can check out Inslee’s email to supporter below.
Dear Supporter,
The votes are in, and one thing is absolutely clear: I still need your help to build a working Washington.
All the way up to Election Day, we fought off an incredible onslaught of false attacks by opponents who hoped to erase the progress we’ve made together.
When I emailed you last week, my colleagues and I were still fighting to make sure every vote was counted. Today, we know for certain that we continue to hold a majority in the state House, we re-elected every one of our Democratic members of Congress, we made history by passing legislation to require background checks for gun sales, and we made gains in county elections across the state.
Now it’s time for us to move forward.
Now that we’ve seen the election results, the good news is that we held our ground. The bad news is that, with Republicans continuing to hold control of the Senate, we’re going to have to continue fighting just as hard just to maintain the status quo — and even harder to make any progress.
I don’t know about you, but I’m done playing defense and ready to go on offense. I’m going to spend the next two years fighting harder than ever to fully fund our schools, create new jobs, repair our roads and bridges, and build a clean energy future — and I hope you’ll be right there with me.
Click here to contribute $5 and help me continue to move our state forward.
Thanks for standing with me once again.
Very truly yours,
Jay Inslee
I think the tide has turned, the people have spoken and liberalism is not wanted, not after what the tax payers have been thru, I’m sick of all the liberal lies, spin and dirty tricks they pulled off, had enough. period.
Inslee & his Liberal Lunatic Fringe are out of touch with the real middle class who always pay the bills. Paint the State Red!
ON the offensive. Like his buddy Obama? Does that mean we are going to see him “making state law” without authorization? He certainly seems to think he has a lot more power than our State Constitution gives him. How about we clip his wings? How about we demand he put an end to the Ferguson “sympathetic” protests before they turn violent like they have elsewhere?