Not to be outdone in terms of partisan hypocrisy, Jay Inslee followed Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s lead in issuing a ban on government-funded trips to North Carolina. Inslee’s ban allegedly comes as retaliation against the state for passing a law that prevents cities and counties from passing sweeping bathroom regulations.
Of course, there is another element of this PR hype that Inslee doesn’t mention – that he is trying to help the campaign of a Democrat running for governor in North Carolina. Roy Cooper, the Attorney General of that state, announced said he would not defend the law in court, and fellow Democrats like Inslee are trying to help Cooper’s campaign with their press releases.
Pat McCrory, the Republican Governor that Cooper is challenging, pointed out that efforts like Inslee’s were part of a “calculated smear campaign … This national political campaign directed toward North Carolina, I think, is well-coordinated and more political theater than reality.”
You won’t think it, given the overblown reaction, but a bi-partisan majority passed North Carolina’s law in an effort to rein in the city of Charlotte’s broad regulatory overreach. Contrary to what liberals would have the public believe, the bill does not prevent private individuals, companies, and universities from adopting or keeping existing nondiscrimination policies.
They are free to do so if they wish. Rather, it prevents cities and counties from regulating the bathroom policies of private businesses.
Despite the facts, Inslee jumped on the bandwagon just as he did last year when he banned state-funded travel to Indiana after it passed a religious freedom law which liberals deemed discriminatory.
As Shift pointed out, it’s hypocrisy at its finest considering how Inslee and Murray welcomed the Chinese dictator who regularly and unapologetically violates basic human rights with open arms. Our green governor went so far as to fly the Chinese communist flag over the capitol building in Olympia. Check out the video report below:
Perhaps rather than worrying about what is happening in the bathrooms of a FREE state across the country, Inslee should concern himself with the business of his own state. Yet, on second thought, given the absolute debacle of his “leadership,” perhaps it is best to keep our green governor preoccupied.
erichbritton says
It amazes me how some of these supposedly highly educated people in the upper echelons of society lose their ability to make a rational decision when it comes to a simple thing like who should use which bathroom. I wonder what its like for them when they have to decide which shoe to put on first.
Clark County rejected literail says
Many citizens in WA state aren’t thrilled about the new regulations that require schools, businesses, shelters, sports arenas, health and swim clubs, YMCA’s, fairs etc to allow boys/men to access girls/womens bathrooms, showers, locker rooms.
Charlie Beatty says
I.m ashamed to admit that Inslee is the governor of the state I reside in.
Bradley Whaley says
Idiot! Always pandering for votes. As if it isn’t hard enough to run a business, this imbecile decides to bring politics into it. Kindergarten country!