Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is upset with North Carolina for passing a law that prevents all cities and counties from passing certain bathroom rules. Despite what you might expect given the intense response of liberals, the bill does not limit private individuals and businesses.
The reality is that private individuals, companies and universities are free to adopt new or keep existing nondiscrimination policies if they so wish. The bill was passed in response to the City of Charlotte exceeding its authority by forcing broad sweeping regulations.
More, contrary to what one might expect given the reaction, the bill was bi-partisan with both Republicans and Democrats supporting it.
But, quick to jump on the bandwagon without all the facts, Murray has banned all city-employee travel to the state via an executive order.
North Carolina isn’t the first state to make Murray’s travel ban list. Last year, Murray and Jay Inslee banned all publicly funded travel to Indiana after the state passed a religious freedom law which liberals deemed discriminatory.
Whatever you may think about North Carolina’s law, Murray’s travel ban reveals his insufferable hypocrisy. Last September, when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Seattle, Murray gave him the royal treatment and expected working families to do the same. Murray shut down roads across Seattle in his effort to impress a glorified dictator, much to the inconvenience of people just trying to get to work and back home.
The dictator of a country, who regularly and unapologetically violates basic human rights, Murray welcomes with open arms and expects everyone to follow suit. Fellow FREE states in this country that pass bi-partisan laws that liberals deem unacceptable, Murray rejects.
Ladies and gentlemen, the mind of a liberal.
Imbtmn says
I thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy. He should excuse himself because he is openly gay and is making this move out of political manipulation. The mayor of San Francisco ordered a travel ban too! However, a dictator who keeps billions in poverty and lets them die to the tune of hundred of thousands is giving the royal treatment. That is what a democratic socialist stands for really.
tensor says
The mayor of San Francisco ordered a travel ban too!
Really, who do these people think they are — the elected heads of city governments? Who gave them the power to execute municipal policies? How dare these mayors not first seek approval from persons outside their cities, persons who would never, ever approve of them, nowhere, no how, not under any circumstances? What’s going on here?!?
You just don’t understand.
Daniel Carson says
All are flaming communists.. dick smacking socialist fuktards..
Clay Fitzgerald says
The hypocrisy of the bigoted leftist, liberal, secular-progressives is pathetically demonstrated by the likes of Eddy Murray, Jay Inslee, Dow Constantine and a host of their other equally ignorant ilk.
motorhommie says
The mind of a dictator.
Biff says
Can Special Ed provide us with dollar figure on how much of Seattle taxpayers money was spent on non-essential travel to North Carolina before his sweeping, hard-line ban took place? I’m sure it’s quite a figure. I just want to see the broad impact his decree has. I’m just glad Seattle taxpayers will still fund “essential” travel to North Carolina, even though they’re bigoted, homophobic racists.
tensor says
How about you provide a figure for how many Seattle taxpayers have criticized his action? From the thread here, it appears that number is a big, fat zero.
Biff says
Interesting, a big, fat zero is also exactly how much Seattle taxpayers have spent on “non-essential” travel to North Carolina, before his gayness imposed his empty, meaningless ban. House Democratic Socialists certainly wouldn’t criticize his action, either. They don’t “waste their time” on politics
tensor says
Nice job ducking the question. Since you refused to answer, let’s note we both know all of the criticism of Mayor Murray’s action comes from people who (a) are not eligible to vote in Seattle, and/or (b) would never, ever vote for Mayor Murray if they were.
Interesting, a big, fat zero is also exactly how much Seattle taxpayers have spent on “non-essential” travel to North Carolina,
And we both know the amount of time you spent poring over Seattle’s municipal budget to glean your evidence for that claim is also a big, fat zero.
(Again, what part of “symbolic gesture” do you not understand?)
Biff says
Nice job ducking the question by asking another question. I wanted to know the broad impact that Special Ed’s hardline travel ban has on Seattle city employees. Since you refuse to answer, let’s note we both know it’s either (a) you don’t have any idea how little Seattle taxpayers pay for “non-essential” travel to North Carolina, or (b) you know the number is zero and don’t want to admit it because banning something that doesn’t occur anyway makes one look foolish at best.
tensor says
I wanted to know the broad impact that Special Ed’s hardline travel ban has on Seattle city employees.
Then I suggest you actually do the research you’d implicitly claimed to have done when you groundlessly declared Seattle’s taxpayers hadn’t financed non-essential travel to North Carolina.
Since you refuse to answer,
Because I don’t really care if you remain ignorant on this point or not. I can’t teach you everything you claim to know about. Try doing your own research sometime.
…because banning something that doesn’t occur anyway makes one look foolish at best.
Which is actually the basis of the issue here. North Carolina’s law addresses a “problem” which does not in fact exist. The law was passed to show the state’s official hatred and bigotry against a harmless sexual minority. Hence Seattle’s travel ban. If there was no travel to van, then it’s merely a symbolic gesture, like most protests.
Biff says
“recognizing Mayor Murray’s support of freedom worldwide”
Any word on when Special Ed will be decreeing a non-essential travel ban to Singapore? Last time I checked it was part of the world and where(far more than a law to keep mentally ill perverts using the bathroom their birth certificate tells them to) homosexual acts are punishable by 2 years in prison. Maybe he could get freaktivist Dan Savage to protest by licking some doorknobs in Singapore. What Special Ed really should decree is a non-essential travel ban to Syria (another part of the world), where homosexuals are pushed off tall buildings with a cheering crowd in attendance. C’mon, I want to recognize some support of world-wide freedom, not a meaningless, empty gesture with only cheap political points in mind.
I-594 addresses a “problem” which does not in fact exist. The law was purchased to show three leftist billionaire’s official hatred and bigotry against lawful gun owners and our constitution. It’s also similar to North Carolina’s bathroom law in the prosecution number: zero. By the way, when will your blowhard billionaire commissar follow GayPal’s lead and shut down his operations in North Carolina? He could then be a double social justice warrior, protesting both the bathroom law and their paltry minimum wage. If it’s good enough for GayPal, it would double be good enough for him. We won’t wait for that to happen, just like GayPal won’t be shuttering their Asian headquarters in Singapore despite their imprisoning homosexuals, because that’s how you hypocritical democratic socialists roll.
tensor says
The Mayor of Seattle can dictate to local hotels which guests they can and cannot have? The Mayor of Seattle dictates to the Feds arrangements for visiting heads of state? The Mayor tells WSDOT to close I-5 south of the city limits?
I live a few blocks from the Westin, and my daily commute past it was very slightly inconvenienced. The biggest disturbance came from the many, many protestors which Seattle took care to accommodate.
We know you really know nothing about Seattle, and on those very few occasions when you are allowed to venture outside, what you see confuses and therefore frightens you. But you can stop hyperventilating now, really, it’s alright.
Biff says
How much does a law in North Carolina inconvenience your daily commute past the Westin? Not at all? Then why does Special Ed have his gay undies in a bunch about it? I’m sure your blowhard billionaire commissar will be shutting down his operations in North Carolina for the same reason as Special Ed’s travel ban. Oh wait, he has them there because he only has to pay $7.25 minimum wage. Never mind, it’s not about ideology, it’s all about $$$$$.
tensor says
How much does a law in North Carolina inconvenience your daily commute past the Westin?
None directly; thank you for pointing out the obvious flaw in Shift’s post.
The one aspect of the visit over which Mayor Murray had control was to ensure peaceful protestors got as close as the Feds’ security zone allowed, so as to ensure the leader of a repressive government saw, here in Seattle, open expression of the very freedoms his regime denies its own citizens. Likewise, Mayor Murray’s purpose in banning non-essential city travel to North Carolina is to protest a bigoted and hateful law enacted to punish transgendered persons for their very existences — you know, the same kind of repression that aforementioned dictatorship practices. (That Mayor Murray, a lifelong Democrat, is willing to stand up to his fellow Democrats in North Carolina, shows his ability to rise above mere partisan politics and be a true leader of free citizens.)
Shift really missed the boat this time. Instead of recognizing Mayor Murray’s support of freedom worldwide, their abject ignorance of how official state visits are handled allowed them to imagine there was some inconsistency in Mayor Murray’s actions. If only they had bothered to learn the most basic information before they posted this, they could have saved themselves, and their sympathetic commenters, the hideous embarrassment of being dead flat wrong about Mayor Murray’s admirable support of freedom both in Seattle, and worldwide.
Biff says
So Special Ed can take time out of his day, call a press conference to announce an empty symbolic gesture that has no impact on anybody in Seattle to protest a law in a state three thousand miles away, and you applaud this, yet when Washington House Democrats won’t take a vote on an issue that impacts citizens of Washington directly, as a symbolic gesture to protest those mean Senate Republicans, when they’re in the regular session, the very job they’re supposed to be doing, you claim to do so would be wasting their time. That’s how you democratic socialists roll. Two-faced hypocrites.
tensor says
Yes, protests tend to be symbolic gestures. What do you not understand about that?
To the extent this official travel ban prevents my tax money from going to support a hateful, bigoted piece of legislation, I’m happy with it. So are most citizens of Seattle, which is why you and Shift are the only ones ranting about it.
If you’re still whining about how Democrats in our state House wisely refused to waste time on I-732, then you need to understand the issue there was the Republicans in our Senate obeying their paymasters in the oil industry. I-732 was not going to get a hearing in our Senate, because the politely-expressed request made by a quarter-million citizens of Washington State matters less to our Senate Majority Coalition than the dollars of a few oil-industry lobbyists.
The entire purpose of the Senate Majority Coalition is to violate the will of the voters. Once you understand that, you can stop tiresomely claiming House Democrats are at fault for Senate Republicans’ obstruction of our will.
Biff says
“The entire purpose of the Senate Majority Coalition is to violate the will of the voters”
Those violated voters have done nothing but strengthen the Republican caucus since the two Democrats came to their senses and crossed over and the House Democratic majority has been sliding recently down to 2 seats, the slimmest margin in 14 years. Sure, us voters really feel violated by the obstruction of our will. We feel so violated, we’re going to turn the House and bounce Greenie this fall.
tensor says
Those violated voters have done nothing but strengthen the Republican caucus…
That would be the exact same voters who enacted I-594 in a massive landslide, so you’ve once again publicly affirmed the unimpeachable legitimacy of I-594.
Please let us know when you’ll start wearing your “I (heart) I-594” button to the range.
Biff says
What “massive landslide” are you talking about? A few billionaires duping enough liberals into voting for an unneeded, unenforced gun registry? If it was legitimate, you’d think there would have been some prosecutions. It also would have an affect on gun crime. Since neither has happened, it’s a solution in search of a problem.
tensor says
What “massive landslide” are you talking about?
Um, a statewide victory by nearly twenty percentage points? (You know, the same margin experienced by Craswell and Baumgartner in their statewide defeats?)
It also would have an affect (sic) on gun crime.
We’ll have to see about that one, since the law went into effect only recently. (Just out of curiosity, what evidence would you accept?)
Biff says
“We’ll have to see about that one, since the law went into effect only recently”
Over a year is “only recently”? Why then did you point to an obscure, one-year statistical blip in Missouri as evidence it would work? Hypocrisy much? Just another day for you, comrade.
tensor says
Biff, I know numbers aren’t your strong point, but the data covered a period of over a dozen years, not just one. The annual murder rate had declined for years — until the year after Missouri ended background checks for firearm purchases. The number of murders promptly rose for the first time in many years. It slowly declined thereafter, but in the meantime, hundreds more people died violently than would have, had that one-time stimulus not happened.
Your only response was, and is, to sneer that hundreds of additional murder victims are a mere “statistical blip”. You’ve never offered any explanation for why the long downward trend in the murder rate suddenly was completely reversed, immediately after the background checks stopped.
Again, what evidence would you accept? If you won’t answer that, then I’ll just laugh at any request for data you make on this topic.
Bradley Whaley says
Murray is just as stupid as Inslee. I am sure the Socialist Republic of Seattle loves that we think that messing with commerce is smart. Sooner or later there has to be a revolt by businesses so these idiots will eventually have to limit their entitlements.
Enough is enough
Eastside Sanity says
The US government states that 96.2% of the population in the United States identify as heterosexual. That’s interesting…….
Monterey22 says
Many democrats are not safe people as leaders. Underneath, they crave a totalitarian regime like Cuba. Why else do they coddle dictators and terrorists? Obama was soooo happy to be sitting next to Raul Castro, a fellow marxist.
donnn says
Think of it, the mayor has her own agenda. I wouldn’t want her setting next to me in the men’s room.
So I guess she won’t be spending her vacations in North Carolina any time soon.
Patriot1 says
I wonder if Murray will be willing to stand trial when some young girl is raped by some guy who claims to be a woman in a mans body and demands the use of the womens bathroom just to gain entrance to do his dirty dead, “RAPE” of a young girl. All politicians who vote to allow men to use womens bathrooms or women to use mens bathrooms should be held accountable for all crimes committed by this people.