A week after Jay Inslee almost put in a full 40-hour work week on governing, he reverted to form last week – slipping into official activities for just 10-and-a-half hours. And eight of those hours came on one day, as it seems to be his routine to cram as much official work into one day as possible, to leave the rest of his days for campaigning.
All while drawing his full salary from the taxpayers, of course.
And most embarrassing is that on the one 8-hour work day he had, our “green” governor’s longest meeting was 90 minutes with his Results Washington team, focused on “Efficient, Effective and Accountable Government” – which evidently to Inslee means not doing much at all.
Inslee “worked” so hard putting in his 10.5 hours of company time that he cleared his weekend of any activities at all – he must have been worn out by three different weekdays where he put in less than an hour of governing – 25 minutes on Monday the 26th, 30 minutes on Tuesday, and 25 minutes on Friday.
And all of that official time was spent on the phone on those three days, slipped in between campaign activities.
It was certainly a busy campaign week though, starting with a Monday spent preparing for a gubernatorial debate (had to practice with that teleprompter perhaps). Of course, it wasn’t a particularly tough start to the week, since he didn’t even begin his Monday until 11:15 a.m.
On Tuesday, Inslee spent time on the road, starting on Bainbridge Island, going to Seattle for a “business” lunch with House Speaker Frank Chopp, and on to Woodinville for a fundraising reception. That prepared him for his only real work day, though he did finish his hump day by attending a fundraiser for his old friend (and failing Senatorial candidate) Ted Strickland from Ohio.
Inslee took a cue from Strickland on Thursday, getting out of state for a fundraiser. He spent an hour at a groundbreaking ceremony in the morning, and took of for SeaTac – and Minneapolis – in the afternoon. That allowed him to wake up Friday in the Twin Cities for a fundraiser at maxed-out campaign donor United Health Group, before coming home in time to go to a football game that night.
And then there was that weekend off to celebrate another week of doing very little, and getting paid very much.
Bill Bryant’s still trailing Governor Inslee by double digits, right?
Greenie is still being paid a full salary for working less than a casual employee, right?
It you believe Shift, sure. And why wouldn’t you? It’s only the most well-documented of hard facts which you question, and Shift never, ever has anything to do with any of those.
Hey don;t be so rough on the guy maybe he is clearing some land on his personal property to put up a tent city rather than using our public Parks.