Jay Inslee has demonstrated throughout his time in political office that he is often confused about the English language, and how to use it. Inslee’s staff is well aware of this tradition of (unintentional) “Insleeisms.” Via recently obtained emails, Shift can report that his staff wanted to schedule two hours for Inslee… to practice reading from a teleprompter.
It appears that Inslee pushed back on the two-hour session, suggesting he only needed 20 minutes of reading practice.
The response of Inslee’s Deputy Chief of Staff to his attempt to shorten his practice time says it all: “Keep the two hour teleprompter practice.”
Evidently, Inslee’s staff would rather he get his full allotment of reading practice in – otherwise they have to clean up the mess if he starts wingin’ it.
Enjoy this Friday Funny.
Biff says
Teleprompter practice? How much practice do you need to say “Carbon Pollution”?
msueh says
Hahaha. inslee wants to be as “good” as his bff usurper in the White House.