Jay Inslee and his campaign staff rely upon the ignorance of his potential contributors– that is the only assumption you can make if you read his multiple missives begging for money. The latest one sent today is only the most recent example.
The “green” governor hints at “Urgent Decisions” in the email subject line. He tells supporters that “the end of September is one of the biggest (and one of the last) public deadlines our campaign will face”.
However, there is no “public” end-of-September deadline. Inslee is just making it up in a pathetic attempt to squeeze money out of panicked supporters.
As Inslee’s campaign treasurer could tell him, the next full campaign report is due October 18, for activity through Oct. 17. Since June, Inslee has filed his campaign deposits every Monday – for those who care to look – but to find out what he is spending his money on, people will have to wait until mid-October.
However, the facts don’t keep Inslee from lying to his potential donors. Evidently that is the only way the can keep them interested in his failed first term.
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