It took Shift to shine a spotlight on Jay Inslee’s secret gas tax scheme, but it was KIRO radio host Dori Monson who finally got Inslee to admit publicly that he will use his administrative powers – and ignore the state legislature – when he raises the price of gasoline in Washington with his “low carbon fuel standard.”
Monson had been talking about Shift’s investigation into the Inslee administration’s emails involving his gas tax plans since we broke the story in early May – and even had a Shift representative on his show last week to discuss Inslee’s gas tax scheme – and how he and his staff hid their negotiations with others states from our own state legislators. That focus prompted Inslee to start attacking Shift, and to appear on Monson’s show yesterday.
Monson asked Inslee directly – multiple times – about his “low carbon fuel standards” plans, and whether he would involve the legislature in any decision to raise the price of gasoline for Washington taxpayers. In every answer, Inslee talked about how the “rules” he would issue would be subject to public comment – but he never mentioned proposing any “bill” for the legislature to vote on.
Inslee tried to avoid answering how much his extreme plans would cost consumers – first saying that “I don’t have an answer to that question” when asked how much of a price per gallon increase would be too much, and then later saying “I can tell you a buck (per gallon) is too much” when he was asked the same question again.
He continued his attacks on those who uncovered his secret plans on Monson’s program, accusing Shift of “fear-mongering” – because evidently telling the truth about Inslee’s radical plans for raising the price of gas to satisfy his liberal environmental extremist donors like Tom Steyer qualifies as a scary.
You can listen to the whole 16-minute interview below:
I can’t wait, give all the government workers a raise, raise our gas prices, drive our quality of living down, this will be so fun…
I can’t wait, give all the government workers a raise, raise our gas prices, drive our quality of living down, this will be so fun…
Jay Inslee is following his leader’s actions. They are both in the A$$-in-ine category in my opinion. The blind leading the blind! And so goes our State…down the toilet as our country is heading. Hope we can get someone in office in both positions who knows what they’re doing FOR the people and our country!
Jay Inslee is following his leader’s actions. They are both in the A$$-in-ine category in my opinion. The blind leading the blind! And so goes our State…down the toilet as our country is heading. Hope we can get someone in office in both positions who knows what they’re doing FOR the people and our country!
Oh just wonderful…this is yet another thing to look forward too…”sarcasm”…lets do one thing, VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE…ALL OF THEM!!!
Oh just wonderful…this is yet another thing to look forward too…”sarcasm”…lets do one thing, VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE…ALL OF THEM!!!
Not all of them: keep Graham Hunt, Matt Shea, David Taylor, Jesse Young, Elizabeth Scott, Shelly Short and Liz Pike… vote in Monique Trudnowski and Lynda Wilson to help fight this dictator Inslee!
except we passed a law that all tax raises must have a vote of the people. There will be riots if he raises it one penny without a vote.
except we passed a law that all tax raises must have a vote of the people. There will be riots if he raises it one penny without a vote.
It is one thing for the Executive Branch to enact “rules” without the review and consent of the Legislative Branch. But when the Governor states he does not have an answer to the question of the financial impact of his proposed “Rule” he is either irresponsible for not knowing or dishonest for not stating said impact. “Leadership” learned from D.C….
It is one thing for the Executive Branch to enact “rules” without the review and consent of the Legislative Branch. But when the Governor states he does not have an answer to the question of the financial impact of his proposed “Rule” he is either irresponsible for not knowing or dishonest for not stating said impact. “Leadership” learned from D.C….
Whether you call this extraconstitutional or unconstitutional, Inslee is out of control. It is illegal for him to pass laws or rules unilaterally, and he needs to stop or be impeached.
Whether you call this extraconstitutional or unconstitutional, Inslee is out of control. It is illegal for him to pass laws or rules unilaterally, and he needs to stop or be impeached.
And look at the price of a pack of cigarets. expect the same thing for a gallon of gas people wake up!
Who cares about cancer sticks……nnnnnMake them $1k per pack !nnnLMAO!
The State of Washington is among the ten highest fuel tax rates in the country at 37.5 cents per gallon. Add the federal tax and the combined rate is over .50 cents. Now Inslee wants to glorify Inslee at the publics expense. Not to mention that his pursuit is a Go Along- Get along with California and Oregon to be a green hero.