Shift highlighted yesterday the fact that Jay Inslee had made a joke about school teachers abusing their students during his Monday debate with challenger Bill Bryant, and that the media (and the teachers’ union) was ignoring his disturbing sense of humor. Well, evidently it had sunk in on at least one reporter.
In today’s Everett Herald, political columnist Jerry Cornfield points out that, despite his campaign’s feeble denial that Jay was just making a funny about child abuse, Inslee “understands the impact of each word spoken in a debate and on the campaign trail, especially those directed at one’s political opposition. Moreover as a teacher’s son, it’s hard to imagine someone less likely to attempt a joke like this in public.”
Further, Cornfield noted that “As of Wednesday morning, Inslee had not apologized for his comment.”
So, the apology watch continues – when will our “green” governor stop hiding behind his campaign spokespeople, admit his error, and apologize to public school teachers and legislative Republicans?
Or will he just content himself with ignoring his disgusting and hateful rhetoric, and keep telling lies to try to help his fundraising
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