Pramila Jayapal isn’t even in the State Senate, but already liberal progressive media outlets from the Seattle Weekly to Publicola are swooning over her.
One major reason why – she’s willing to push hard for a state income tax. As The Weekly’s Nina Shapiro writes, “she wants to restart the conversation about a state income tax. Or the kind of tax on the wealthy that voters overwhelmingly rejected in 2010”, even though when she talked about her tax policy “while doorbelling, people let her know that they weren’t prepared to pay an income tax on top of all the other taxes they pay.”
Despite those misgivings, Jayapal clearly sees her legislative mission is making government bigger, and says she’s “most excited” about pushing an income tax and “that’s what I’ve spent the most time thinking about.”
Clearly she is already qualified to be a Democrat elected official, as she’s already learned how to ignore the voters! And that excites her lefty media cheerleaders.
Bet’cha she’s a Socialist, too.