It appears, according to lefty Seattle blog Publicola, that Democrat women in the State House of Representatives are unhappy that leadership positions were not handed out based on a quota system when the recent House committee structure was announced. Because if they were, there would more than one Democrat woman on the leadership team operating under Frank Chopp’s iron fist.
There has been plenty of speculation that Chopp is going to have a difficult time herding his cats in the House, since he only has a 51-47 majority over the Republicans after losing four seats in November (three of his loses were in districts previously represented by Democrat women, and adding insult to injury, three Republican women won in those contested seats). Since it takes 50 votes to prevail on final passage in the House – not just a majority of those voting – Chopp can’t allow more than a single Democrat take a walk on a hard vote.
Clearly the Democrats are not basing their leadership and committee chair selections based on neither quotas, nor competence – otherwise how could admitted law-breaker Roger Goodman be named as Chair of the Public Safety Committee? Perhaps those rewarded with seats at Chopp’s leadership table are those he can most easily control – and thus women were disproportionally left out of his boys club.
The Washington State democratic party is participating in a WAR Against Women! Class!
So, has finally noticed that, for all of their endless blather about the “stunning” and “historic” results of the mid-term elections, Speaker Frank Chopp (D-Seattle) remains firmly in charge of our state’s legislative agenda.
…three of his loses were in districts previously represented by Democrat women, and adding insult to injury, three Republican women won in those contested seats…
The Republican minority leadership will, no doubt, demonstrate how to empower women by appointing them to leadership positions.
Right away.
Any day now. will cover it.
For sure.
I’m sure the (un-named) “Democrat women” mentioned here are grateful to the anonymous poster for all of the support this site gives to women who want political power.
The difference is that whether it’s a conservative male or female, we don’t care. We care whether or not they are conservative. We don’t care about skin color either. it’s only you liberals that split people into nice little categories for your imagined “wars” on everything under the sun.
Not the war on women argument??? LOLs