Running for president means being a Pander Bear, so it wasn’t surprising when Hillary Clinton was talking up the locals yesterday. She told a Keota, Iowa crowd on Tuesday, “This school district and these schools throughout Iowa are doing a better than average job.”
But then, she took it a step further and walked right into it: “Now, I wouldn’t keep any school open that wasn’t doing a better than average job. If a school’s not doing a good job, then, you know, that may not be good for the kids.”
People howled, naturally. Clinton clearly doesn’t understand how to calculate averages. That, or she wants to shut down half the schools in the country. Taken to its logical conclusion, if that policy were continued year after year, eventually we’d get down to one open public school in the country.
While Clinton has taken a beating for the dumb comment, perhaps its conclusion is more revealing: “If a school’s not doing a good job, then, you know, that may not be good for the kids.” Powerful, insightful stuff!
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