In what would normally not be big news, over the weekend, the Washington State Democrat Party sent an email to supporters urging them to vote yes on the Washington Education Association’s (WEA) latest power grab, I-1351.
The email reads,
As Democrats, we are united in our support of strong schools and opportunity for EVERY Washington child.
That’s why Democrats support Initiative 1351 to reduce class size for every child, in every grade.
What makes it news is that there is a big problem with the state Democrats’ message of unity on I-1351: it’s simply not true. As SHIFT recently reported, a handful of Democrat legislators have publically denounced I-1351. Additionally, the 43rd District Democrats in Seattle refused to endorse I-1351. These Democrats—unlike their state party—appear to actually care that the initiative will strip power away from the state Legislature and, ultimately, result in unsustainable debt at the expense of our children… and to the benefit of the WEA.
Of course, the WEA is a big financial supporter of the state Democrat party and its candidates. So, in the end, more money for the WEA means more money for Democrats… which might just explain the not caring about I-1351’s destructive agenda works just fine for the leaders of the state Democrats.
You can view the full email here.
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