The State Democrat Party is in full projectile sweat these days after the pathetic primary showing of their state-income-tax-supporting, bigger-government-at-all-costs loving candidates. The latest example of this trend is an email pointing out how Democrats failed to attract their supporters in the primary, and begging for money to spend to make their candidates somewhat appealing by the general election in November.
Because the Democrats believe – recent evidence to the contrary – that “when people vote, Democrats win.” They also believe that “Now that fall is almost here, get ready for a barrage of money from conservative Super PACs and wealthy backers.”
What the State Democrats ignore is that, in Washington State, it is the liberal progressives who are the party of the rich, waiting for big money come rolling from California billionaire Tom Steyer – as the New York Times reported.
But that reality won’t sell any better than their current crop of candidates, hence the panicky emails.
You can view the email here.
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