Former Seattle sportscaster Tony Ventrella, who earlier this year had announced a longshot Democrat challenge to U.S. Representative Dave Reichert in the 8th Congressional District, has announced he is dropping out of the race. His announcement surprised no one, since his candidacy was gaining little traction.
Ventrella claimed he was running to get big money out of politics. So, he pledged not to raise money from political action committees or “rich people.”
Well, apparently, that strategy did not work in Ventrella’s favor. He is dropping out of the race because he “didn’t raise enough money to keep going.” Ventrella wrote via Facebook:
“I’m fine with that,” he wrote. “The game is played a certain way and I don’t like the rules. There are many good people trying to win elections. Playing the money game doesn’t make one a bad person it just makes a good person perpetuate a bad game.”
Ventrella said he will not run for Congress in the future, but he will continue to fight to get big money out of politics perhaps he should start with his own Democrat party.
If only Tom Steyer would take Ventrella’s call…
No need for the democrats to oppose Reichert. He votes with them more often than not anyway.
Yeah buddy, Reichert is as RINO as it gets, as well as a dedicated POLICE STATIST. He is DEMOCRAT SCUM. One of 3 turn coats who voted FOR amnesty cities. What the hell are immigration laws for? The only thing these assholes are interested in is prosecuting revenue generating cases. The DUI industry for example.