I kept waiting over the weekend for the outpouring of Democrats going public to tell former State Rep. Brendan Williams how far out in left field he was for suggesting in a Seattle Times op-ed last … [Read more...]
Liberal “think tank” wants gov to grab more of your money
File this one under, to paraphrase The Gipper, “there they go again.” It seems that anything provides a reason for the far left in Seattle to declare it’s time to raise taxes. This time it was the … [Read more...]
Environmentalists prefer transportation funding go to bike lanes
Many Seattle-centric environmental activists are all atwitter over the recent transportation proposal by the Senate Majority Caucus. Helping lead the charge against a transportation funding package … [Read more...]
8 classic moments in Obama’s press conference
Let’s remind folks again that when the Washington Post turns on a liberal Democrat, that’s news. And when they mock a Democrat President – literally piling on – it’s bigger news. So, without further … [Read more...]
This is the Liberal mindset – a $10,000 signing bonus is ‘Wal-Martization’
Now that the Legislature has acted to extend, by 16 years, tax breaks that would help Boeing be more competitive in the construction of the 777X – but unfortunately not quite finding the political … [Read more...]
Seattle Democrats Seize Private Parking Lot to Build a Public Parking Lot
Democrats on the Seattle City Council want to use their eminent domain power to force the sale of an elderly woman’s property in order to run a city-owned parking lot. Oddly, the property is already a … [Read more...]
Muddled liberal thinking prompts push for unfair $15 per hour wage mandate
In a recent edition of the union newsletter The Stand, liberal commentator John Burbank wrote that we live in two Americas; that things are good for the 21%, by his count, and not so good for the rest … [Read more...]
Angel wins senate, Dem chair steeped in conspiracies
Where rational Washington citizens see a deserved promotion for Jan Angel from the State House to the Senate in the campaign that just wrapped up, outgoing State Democrat Chair Dwight Pelz sees a tea … [Read more...]
Is the GOP the same as the Taliban? Liberal candidate thinks so
Another example of the Democrats’ favorite tactic when they are out of positive ideas – smear elected representatives, this time by comparing them to the Taliban. Just imagine if a Republican said … [Read more...]
Murray and McGinn, divisive politics and “those people”
From the Seattle Times: Although the election forum was on cancer research, by American Cancer Society, both candidates spent a lot of time focusing on each other’s faults. Murray told “McGinn to … [Read more...]
Weiner: It takes one to know one
Anthony Weiner said Wednesday a video showing him in a shouting match with a bakery customer is just an example of him putting a heckler in his place. Somebody yelled “scumbag” at Weiner, who yelled … [Read more...]