King County Superior Court Judge William Downing today ruled that Initiative 1366 is unconstitutional. The voter-approved I-1366 proposed a one percent cut in the sales tax unless the state Legislature allowed a public vote on an amendment that would require a two-thirds supermajority for future tax increases.
Jay Inslee released a statement applauding the fact that voters’ will would, once again, not be respected. His statement is still more ridiculous considering that an overwhelming 65% of respondents to a recent survey said legislators should give voters a chance to weigh in and vote on a constitutional amendment.
Notably, 17 states provide taxpayers supermajority protection against tax increases. These states include Oregon (3/5), California (2/3), and Colorado (voter approval for all taxes). Perhaps the most hypocritical aspect of the Left’s opposition is the fact that several of the loudest voices against the initiative – Washington’s public employee unions – also protect their members with supermajority restrictions in their own constitutions. As the Washington Policy Center’s Jason Mercier has pointed out,
- The Washington Federation of State Employee’s (WFSE) Constitution requires a 2/3rd vote to approve a special assessment: “Special assessments may be levied on the members of affiliated locals by a two-thirds voteof the delegates present at a biennial Convention or a special meeting of the Council.”
- The Washington Education Association’s (WEA) Constitution requires a 2/3rd vote to approve a special assessment: “Special assessments may be levied by a two-thirds (2/3) voteof the Representative Assembly.”
- The Service Employee International Union’s (SEIU) Constitution requires a 2/3rd vote to approve a strike: “The authority to call a strike is vested in the Negotiating Committee with the approval of the Executive Board. In order for a strike to be called, it must be authorized by a ratification vote by two-thirdsof those affected members who participate in the vote”
- The Washington State Labor Council’s (WSLC) Constitution requires a constitutional amendment—a process that takes a 2/3rd vote—to increase the per capita tax on members.
As Shift previously pointed out, it appears that what Democrats and their big labor donors believe is good and proper for themselves is not for mere mortals, like Washington citizens. Today, as expected, they got a King County judge to agree.
Now it’s on to the State Supreme Court for a final verdict – any guesses how that all-Democrat court is going to decide?
Guess what, you ignorant asses voted in Inslee, live with it or impeach the asswipe
What ignorant asses are you referring to? I guess it’s not me since I didn’t vote for Inslee but Inslee doesn’t have anything to do with the King County Judges, so you must be referring to yourself or you would know this. Name calling won’t fix the problem.
You must have missed the part in the article where Gov. Carbon Pollution issued a statement applauding the King County Judge’s ruling. Try some reading comprehension.
I understood the article and maybe you need a civics course refresher on how each component works. Judges decide what a law means and they are accused of writing law when we all disagree with the interpretation based upon political bias.
Did you really understand the article isn’t about how government works? I don’t see how a “civics course refresher” relates to our feckless governor and blatant union hypocrisy thwarting the will of the voters but if you do, run with it, dude. It’s all you got.
How about the Taxpayers remove the Judge for judicial activism.
We voted in this statute, the “judge” cannot morally or legally override the citizens vote.
Remove this impostor form office and prosecute.
Enough with “judges” writing law, that is for the Legislature or by Majority vote as in 1366.