In 2011, the Washington Examiner set out to discover who controls the Democrat Party. Here’s what they found:
“Class-action trial lawyers, Big Labor union leaders, Big Green environmentalists, and Big Insiders with billions of dollars in personal wealth and foundation grants — together essentially dictate what Democrats can and cannot support on many key public policy issues. Call them the Four Horsemen of the coming Democratic apocalypse.
“These four groups provide most of the campaign funding and workers, political and policy expertise, legal and regulatory muscle, and strategic communications for the Democratic Party. Consequently, most Democrats are prisoners of a narrow agenda of constantly growing government budgets, regulation and taxing.”
To those paying close attention, not much has changed since. The Washington Examiner,
“Thus far in the 2014 campaign, 16 of the top 20 contributors overall represent the dominant special interests in the Democratic Party. Three of the top 20 contribute mostly to Republicans and conservative groups. One maintains a surgically even division between candidates of both parties… Twelve of the top 20 Super PACs – including the seven most generous – support liberal Democratic candidates and groups. Seven of the remaining eight support conservative Republican candidates and groups, and one is scrupulously evenhanded… As for contributions by 527 PACs, which represent unlimited spending on activities such as voter registration drives, 15 of the top 20 represent the Democrat’s four dominant special interests.
“To put these data points in the context of dollars and cents, the top seven contributors overall gave more than $100 million to liberal Democratic candidates and groups. The top three that donated to conservative Republican candidates and groups gave slightly more than $14 million. That’s nearly a 10-to-1 funding advantage for liberal Democratic candidates and groups from among the most generous contributors. It is no exaggeration to say the Democratic Party has become the party of four extremely rich special interests.”
The facts speak for themselves. Democrats have been, and remain, beholden to special interests. Contributions from special interests groups to Democrats far exceed those to Republicans, and Democrats get away with it. By pointing fingers, Democrats have managed to make it appear as though Republicans are the worst offenders.
Harry Reid’s obsessive war against the Koch brothers, all the while reveling in Tom Steyer’s billions serves as a prime example. Some Democrats have gone as far as to claim that when they accept money from special interests, it’s okay. However, when Republicans do, it’s wrong. The extent to which Democrats have embraced hypocrisy is truly astounding.
winlass says
Thanks for that short article. I am always wondering why so many small PAC’s are squabbling for my tiny donations. This answers many questions on both sides. Voter fraud & plenty of big money keeps the democrats right where they want to be.