Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of turkey dinners everywhere, we here at SHIFT would like to present the 2014 Turkey Awards where we give you 2014’s biggest political turkeys of Washington State. So, without further ado, here are the unpardonable turkeys of this year.
- The Turkey Award for the most ridiculous political stance in 2014 (and for years to come) goes to…
The Washington State Democrat Party for listing a state income tax as a guiding principle for the next two years in its party platform.
- The Turkey Award for the most offensive political attack in the 2014 election goes to…
The liberal hack, initially only known to (losing) Democrat Senate candidate Shari Song and her campaign manager, for his/her despicable anti-Catholic attacks on Republican (now state Senator-elect) Mark Miloscia.
- The Turkey Award for sleaziest political scandal of the 2014 campaign goes to…
Democrat candidate for state House Mike Wilson, a high school teacher who engaged in illegal campaign tactics by using school resources for campaign purposes and pressuring high school students to campaign on his behalf.
- The Turkey Award for the most money wasted in 2014 goes to…
California billionaire Tom Steyer for pumping over $1.25 million of his own fortune into negative campaign tactics to help Washington State’s Democrats – only to see Republicans gain an outright majority in the state Senate for the first time in 10 years and knock of four Democrat House incumbents.
- The Turkey Award for the worst political blunder of 2014 goes to…
Jay Inslee for placing his extreme environmental policies—specifically his fuel mandate gas tax scheme—on every Washingtonian’s ballot. To be clear, Washington voter soundly rejected Inslee’s agenda.
6. Finally, the winner of the Overall 2014 Turkey Award goes to…
Jay Inslee for failing to understand the meaning of the 2014 elections, specifically the voters’ rejection of his extreme political agenda. Rather, Inslee has promised to forcefully continue toward the implementation of his harmful fuel mandate. Why? Because our green governor “believes what he believes.”
Any turkey leftovers for the Washington State Republican Party, which in an election year of “stunning” defeats for the Democrats spent — how much again? — to realize zero new Republican Congressional seats, to leave the gavel in the hand of Frank Chopp (D-Seattle)?
And, of course, the smallest part of the wish-bone goes to shiftwa.org, whose desperate wish, “to shift the debate in Olympia,” will go unrealized for yet another year.