Think Progress—blog of the far left group Center for American Progress—recently cited a brief filed on behalf of the American Public Health Association that claims over “9,800 additional Americans” will die if the U.S. Supreme Court rules against Obamacare in King vs. Burwell. The case challenges the Obama administration’s implementation of the premium tax credit provisions of Obamacare.
Of course, the claim is a ridiculous scare tactic meant to drum-up public support for Obamacare. In fact, the defense has made so many dire claims of this nature that the Justices have a name for them. They’ve dubbed the claims the “parade of horribles.”
Making outrageous, unsupportable claims is a strategy often employed by the desperate. However, the Washington State Labor Council (WSLC) took it to the next, very inappropriate level. The Stand, mouthpiece of the WSLC, shared Think Progress’ statistic and included graphics for demonstration. The graphics are three photos of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.
Check out the screen-shot below:
The WSLC’s choice of graphics is shocking. How out-of-touch is WSLC that it would compare a Supreme Court ruling with the biggest terrorist attack in United States’ history? And, where is the Democrats’ outrage? Where is their rebuke telling the WSLC that the comparison is entirely unacceptable?
“The Center for American Progress”, what a bunch of fools! When I see their spokesman on the air, I think 60’s Mushroom Junkie! Classic!
here’s a shocker!! Those 9,800 Americans, and tens of millions more will all die regardless of what happens with Obamacare, let the hysterics begin.