The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and its Democrat party apologists never cease to amaze. The latest admission of incompetence came in the Seattle Times today, when it was reported that the agency never thought that its new I-405 tolls would hit their legal maximum so soon.
That’s right, according to Democrat State Representative Judy Clibborn – who her party had given the fairly important position of chairman of the Transportation Committee – actually said “nobody in leadership expected such high rates so soon. WSDOT was figuring that a typical busy day would bring $4 tolls.
“Still, she said there’s no need to overreact.
“ ‘This is really new. We don’t really know what it’s going to look like in seven months.”
How comforting. Let’s wait another seven months, and see how much WSDOT can really screw up traffic on I-405 with its tolling maximum at $10 per trip.
To show just how far out of touch with reality are the WSDOT bureaucrats, the person that Jay Inslee put in charge of the agency, a bike lane expert from Oregon, is claiming that the toll lanes are saving lives – seriously.
Transportation Secretary Lynn Peterson told KIRO radio Wednesday: “I am also getting stories about people — literally, one person was ready to commit suicide because of their life and how it was being impacted by I-405, and literally wrote and said, ‘you’ve saved my life.’ ”
You, literally, can’t make this stuff up.
Every Democrat’s mantra is “it’ll save lives”. Ya gotta read it in a very emotional tone to get its impact.
Well, part my hair with a 2X4! Who could have thought tolls would shoot up to their maximum so soon? Personally, I’m stunned. I guess they just have to raise the max toll to whatever they think the most that can be extracted from the public is.
Anyone who places such a low value on their own life that they would kill themselves over traffic on 405 and is magically saved by toll carpool lanes has a severe mental illness or was made up on the spot.
What year is it? This is the most regressive antiquated tax that these idiots could implement. How many car pool lanes and tolls do you see in tax loving Germany? The answer is none because they are efficient and tax you at the pump. Ridiculous to think that in 2015 anyone would think that stopping traffic for taxes is efficient.