As if the bureaucrats haven’t done enough mismanagement already, the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) isn’t done adding toll lanes on I-405. KING 5 pointed out “there are lines spray-painted in random spots on select streets in Renton’s Talbot Hill neighborhood.” These new lines indicate where a highway is going to go. KING 5,
“Hugging the outside of I-405, part of the neighborhood will soon come to a large ramp connecting express toll lanes on I-405 and SR 167. When finished, it will complete a project years in the making and, according to Washington’s Department of Transportation, make getting around faster and easier…
“The $285 million project is scheduled to start next summer, but the bidding process started on Monday, roughly a week after the first part of the I-405 express toll lane system went into effect.”
The project has been planned to cut into a portion of some residents’ properties. One resident is “only being offered money for half of his property, even though he said the construction will make his actual home nearly worthless.” He plans on taking WSDOT to court.
Boondoggle of the first order.
DITTO! That’s all WSDOT know how to do. All of the transportation projects initiated in this state are motivated by idiots who don’t have the foggiest idea of what they are doing.