Our green governor has sent out some exceptionally desperate emails lately– and that’s saying a lot considering his email history. During the last couple days of April, Jay Inslee’s campaign sent out multiple crisis-sounding fundraising emails per day.
Here are just a few examples from April 29th and 30th:
Inslee’s campaign staff has figured out that his failure at governing is why he is failing to attract donors this year. So, they’ve gone to pathetic lengths to raise money — openly admitting that they are failing and/or at a “C-” … what ever that means.
Of course, you can’t blame Inslee’s campaign staff. Our green governor hasn’t exactly given them a lot to work with.
Inslee’s job performance rating has been on the decline through out his failed administration. A mere 39% of voters polled indicated that they were inclined to vote for his reelection. Apparently, far less are willing to write a check to his campaign.
So, what is Jay Inslee so frantic about?
Probably his unpopularity brought on by his nonexistent record of leadership.
If you think only Inslee and the libs act like not giving will kill their chances you haven’t seen some of the requests I’ve gotten from conservative republicans and organizations. They all play the same game of “your livelihood and/or freedom depend on it”. With only a few exceptions – a pox on all professional politicians. Televangelists must have provided the training in fundraising.