It seems that Democrat Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler is not too keen on a legislative committee asking one of his employees about what goes on in his office, according to the Puget Sound Business Journal.
Kreidler is trying to dictate the terms of Judge Patricia Petersen’s possible appearance before the State Senate Law and Justice Committee next week, first by demanding that the (formerly) independent judge for the Commissioner’s sign a non-disclosure agreement which her attorneys said “reinforced their concerns about whether testifying would jeopardize Petersen’s efforts to keep her job.”
Then, Kreidler said he wasn’t trying to stop her from testifying, but really just suggesting what she would talk about. “Talking about the specifics of the current investigation, that would be inappropriate. Talking about the role of independence of administrative hearings officers would be appropriate.”
Of course, that independence has been called in to question since Judge Peterson was suspended for complaining that Kreidler’s number two person at the agency was trying to influence her decisions – though Kreidler’s man stays on the job.
BradSl says
Kriedler sponsored legislation on at least two occasions which caused insurance rates to go up in Washington State. He’s no friend of small business, self-employment, nor affordable healthcare.