OurVoice WEA, the Washington Education Association’s (WEA) political action arm, launched an “It’s Time!” campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness for a “big education rally on the steps of the state capitol in Olympia” next month.
The WEA provides bold red “Facebook icons” with phrases like “It’s TIME to pay for public education,” “It’s TIME for smaller class sizes,” “It’s TIME to fund our schools.” The WEA suggests supporters can use the icons on “car signs, stickers and postcards” to help spread the word. Noticeably, out of all the one-liners the WEA came up with, not one has anything to do with improving education outcomes for students.
It’s not so much the messages that are so ridiculous; it’s the fact that this particular messenger is delivering the messages. As Shift reported, the WEA’s I-1351 is an example of how the “it’s about the children” rhetoric is all too often used as a guise for the union to grasp more money. Unfortunately, WEA funded Democrat lawmakers are all too willing to bow to the union’s every whim.
Unlike the WEA and Democrats, Republicans in the state Senate have actually acted on the messages by, for example, re-prioritizing education over non-education spending at a 4:1 ratio for the first time in 30 years. So, in light of the facts, we’ve developed a bit more truthful messages for the WEA’s use.
tensor says
Just because someone else came up with a media campaign better than asking people to spread litter at gas stations doesn’t mean you need to get all huffy. You may someday have another idea yourself, you know, and you guys don’t seem to take criticism well. 🙂
Noticeably, out of all the one-liners the WEA came up with, not one has anything to do with improving education outcomes for students.
Smaller class sizes, apparently, have nothing to do with “improving education outcomes for students.”
When the voters of Washington state sent exactly the same numbers of Democrats and Republicans to Congress this year as last year, this web site repeatedly lectured everyone on how the voters’ supposedly anti-Democratic “message” should be heeded. Yet, when we same voters passed I-594 and I-1371, there was dead silence here on what legislators should do with these very clear decisions. Maybe you guys are just not very good at evaluating election results?
Eastside Sanity says
How much money do you really make that you are so willing to part with so much of it? Or are you just a liberal elite of the first order who feels no pain when you force others to pay for your ideas? Or do you actually belive the voices in your head and have no control of thought at any givin time?
tensor says
Or are you just a liberal elite of the first order who feels no pain when you force others to pay for your ideas?
You’re the one advocating raising the taxes on King County’s automobile owners, less than a year after we voters here in King County flatly rejected exactly such tax increases.
How much money do you really make that you are so willing to part with so much of it?
King County wouldn’t need to raise any taxes for transportation if WSDOT would spend more money here, where the tax dollars are made, rather than spending money for a new freeway Spokane does not need:
Sen. Michael Baumgartner, R-Spokane, issued the following statement on the release of Gov. Jay Inslee’s transportation proposal Dec. 16:
“The governor’s transportation proposal is a big disappointment. It hitches one of the state’s most important functions to a questionable tax, but more importantly for those of us from Spokane, it doesn’t provide full funding for the North-South freeway.
“The governor’s plan provides just $480 million for the freeway…”
Again: with the sole exception of Kittitas County, every county in Eastern Washington receives more state government services than it sends in tax money to Olympia. Now, they’re whining we’re shoveling out “only” half a billion dollars for a highway which will benefit almost none of us who’ll be paying for it.
Or do you actually belive the voices in your head and have no control of thought at any givin time?
Here’s a thought to which I’ll gladly give voice: how about you stop making groundless assumptions about me, and tell that welfare bum, Baumgartner, to buy Spokane a freeway with Spokane’s own goddamned money? Or maybe you guys can take up a collection out there, so those rock-ribbed, self-help conservatives in Eastern Washington can stop being such dead-beat welfare queens?
Whatever you do, stop asking us voters in King County to raise our taxes. We’d have plenty of money if deadbeats like Baumgartner would simply start pulling their own weight.
Eastside Sanity says
Must be the voices…………
tensor says
Brilliant retort. Still can’t admit we Seattle liberals are the makers, and guys like Baumgartner are the takers, eh?
At least you’re no longer prescribing new taxes to we voters who clearly did not want them.
Eastside Sanity says
LibraryTchr says
As a former WEA member who had to give over $30,000 to the coffers I am sure this is being orchestrated by the Union Bosses who need more money for Democratic politicians so they can continue to hold the children and parents hostage in their socialistic schools. Wake up Washington it’s time public unions were abolished in Washington state. It’s not 1930 anymore.