One case of extreme “green” corruption and cronyism appears to have reached a conclusion. A four-year investigation by the Energy Department’s inspector general has concluded that officials at solar company Solyndra “misrepresented facts and omitted key information in their efforts to get a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government.” The company’s collapse soon after receiving federal backing will cost American taxpayers more than $500 million. The Associated Press,
“The report by the Energy Department’s inspector general was released Wednesday. It’s designed to provide federal officials with lessons learned as it proceeds to grant billions of dollars in additional loan guarantees. The inspector general found fault with the Energy Department, describing its due diligence work as ‘less than fully effective.’ The report also said department employees felt tremendous pressure to process loan guarantee applications.”
Despite the reported “tremendous pressure” to process Solyndra’s loan application, the inspector general found that the company’s officials “were at the heart of this matter.” The report called the actions of Solyndra officials “at best, reckless and irresponsible or, at worst, an orchestrated effort to knowingly and intentionally deceive and mislead the department.” The Associated Press,
“A federal loan guarantee program for energy projects was established in 2005 during President George W. Bush’s administration. Four years later, the Democratic-led Congress passed an economic stimulus bill that substantially expanded the program. In the ensuing two years, the department disbursed more than $500 million to Solyndra, but in September 2011, the company laid off 1,100 employees, ceased operations and filed for bankruptcy protection.”
It appears that the findings were not enough to persuade the Obama administration to seek justice against its one-time pal. The report indicates that, earlier this year, the Department of Justice informed the inspector general’s office that it would not “pursue criminal prosecution of any Solyndra officials.”
The Solyndra scandal further disproves the myth of “green righteous” that so readily accepted in today’s political world. Extreme “greenies” are so often portrayed as champions of the environment, working to save us all from ourselves as they fight pollution and rising ocean levels. There is an unmistakable public belief that these “green heroes” could do no wrong.
Scandal after scandal—from Solyndra to Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber—has demonstrated this belief is nothing more than a myth. Far from acting out of a righteous desire to save the world, these “green heroes” have proven themselves to be motivated by self-interest.
And you can include our Washington State Governor right along with the people on that list of “extreme Greenies”.