Is Washington State on the verge of becoming the subject of a dangerous economic experiment? Considering the unprecedented price of gasoline Jay Inslee’s extreme environmental agenda will lead to, yes.
A new column in the Spokesman Review points out that Washington has “the highest gas prices in the lower 48 states, but a proposal being quietly floated by Gov. Jay Inslee could add well over $1 per gallon.” Inslee “has indicated he wants to enforce this before the end of the year as part of an effort to curb emissions, and speculation is that he may do so outside of the Legislature, via an executive order.”
The consequences of Inslee’s fuel mandate will impact “every sector” of our state’s economy. Our state needs a transportation package that addresses funding for roads and highway projects. A fuel mandate—forced through by Inslee via executive order—could “severely jeopardize any new transportation funding proposals because his fuel mandate would raise gas prices to levels unacceptable to consumers and businesses.”
A fuel mandate, directly and indirectly, threatens Washington’s manufacturing, agriculture, construction and exports industries—which, recently, have witnessed positive upticks. It poses a “chilling effect on jobs, investment and revenue,” threatening to drive businesses out of state.
Washingtonians deserve to have Inslee’s plans out in the open, for scrutiny and review. As the column points out, “if a fuel mandate is the proper method of reducing carbon emission, it should be able to withstand the scrutiny of a transparent process that considers how a policy will impact employers and their employees, families and consumers.” Government transparency is essential.
he is a ideot, he is a wantabe and he is stupid
Jay Inslee is nothing more than another liberal progressive elite of Washington States democratic party who live off the tax & spend doctrine that has put this great state in the red for the last 30 years. Read his book, $1.17 added to the price of a gallon of gas is just the tip of the iceberg.
Let’s tax Liberalism that way the Left side of the state could start to pay it’s fair share!