When voters are asked to name something tangible that Hillary Clinton has accomplished, most cannot answer. That reality is becoming a big problem for Clinton’s presidential campaign. The Washington Post,
It happened when Bloomberg News posed the question in May to a focus group of 10 Iowa Democrats. They praised Clinton for strength, experience and competence but could not recall a single thing she had done.
In their own polls and focus groups, Republicans have seen the same thing. And they are sensing a vulnerability in Clinton’s record that could compound the difficulties she is already facing with the controversy over her decision as secretary of state to use a private e-mail account and server rather than a government one.
“While her e-mail scandal has badly damaged Clinton’s public image and raised questions about her judgment, her failed leadership in public life may be what actually hurts Clinton the most among voters in the long run,” said Jeff Bechdel, communications director for America Rising, a super PAC dedicated to producing opposition research about Democrats.
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