At the age of 24, Republican Melanie Stambaugh will be the youngest person elected to the state Legislature since 1936. Representative-elect Stambaugh will represent the Puyallup-area 25th District. A political outsider, Stambaugh beat out Dawn Morrell, a five-term Democratic incumbent, for the position in a surprise victory.
Democrats—supposedly the party for the young and women—aren’t taking Stambaugh’s surprise victory well. Pierce County Democratic chair Jeannine Mitchell told the Seattle Weekly, “We didn’t see this coming… This really blew me away. We are all just flabbergasted.” Mitchell continued, “I don’t believe being a Daffodil Queen qualifies you to pass laws and work for your constituents in Olympia.”
Stambaugh was once named Daffodil Queen at Pierce County’s celebrated Daffodil festival. As the Seattle Weekly pointed out, “no one brings home the crown without straight A’s, an ability to think on one’s feet, and impressive public-speaking skills.” Yet, Mitchell’s remark was meant to disparage Stambaugh as Olympia’s youngest legislator, belittling her as a young successful woman and sneering at her achievements.
Mitchell, a woman and an active Democrat, should know firsthand that her party trumpets itself as the party which supports young women—championing their path to success. Yet, when a young woman like Stambaugh achieves said success, Mitchell is the first to criticize and deride. Ladies and gentlemen, we present yet another glimpse into the hypocrisy of Democrats who, it appears, only champion the success of a select group of young women… those who agree with everything they believe.
So far, Mitchell’s comments have not been picked up by the mainstream media. We can’t imagine the backlash if a Republican would have made a similar comment if Stambaugh happened to be a Democrat.
I don’t believe being a fringe-left, dried uop old prune qualifies you either, but Mitchell is still in office.
This from the fools that gave us a community organizer to lead the greatest nation on the planet.
Mitchell is just a dried up old prune like Pelosi. That’s why she’s so damn bitter.
Mitchell’s actions illustrate how the democrat party uses people. If women, blacks or latinos behave and know their place, they may get a little attention in the way of pandering.
But let them develop a mind of their own, especially one that develops some conservative views and they will receive immediate abuse and ridicule. Just ask Sarah Palin, Mia Love, or Allen West. They know what it’s like when the liberals let their nasty hearts show.
It drives me nuts when smug elitists claim that someone is not qualified to be a representative in Olympia. Section 7 of Article 2 of the Washington State Constitution states, “No person shall be eligible to the legislature who shall not be a citizen of the United States and a qualified voter in the district for which he is chosen.” Is she a citizen of the United States? Yes. Is she a qualified voter in her district? Yes. According to the constitution of the Washington State, she is qualified to hold the office.
We must consider the source, Some are natural born dumb democrats.
The Liberal Progressive Democratic Party of Washington State has lost its way. This once great state is in ruin due to its policies and now, fresh ideas from a young person who wants to serve her community are cast off as nothing because they don’t comform to their doctrine? Shameful. Paint the state Red!
Dems will tell you they are all for women, just not Republican conservative women. Basically they are for anyone who agrees with them and against those that don’t. That won’t stop this young lady though, and good for her for even trying to go against a long term incumbent. She’s an inspiration and the Dems know it.